<img alt="Al Lopez Full Gear" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/SZ5M7nGMNat9MkpZQ-tK8dSVq40=/0x0:2521x1681/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73801019/113465513.0.jpg">
Photo Reproduction by Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images
The baseball artists formerly (and currently) known as the Braves make a blockbuster deal with the Dodgers Braves Franchise History
1935: The Boston Bees acquire Ray Benge, Tony Cuccinello, Al Lopez and Bobby Regis from the Dodgers in exchange for Ed Brandt and Randy Moore.
<img alt="Al Lopez Leaping for Throw" data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/y1Hb6-PN-H5rrbU9MrJuSCJOFJ4=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25795166/73522146.jpg">
Al López leaps to catch a throw
MLB History
1960: Cubs owner Philip Wrigley announces that the club will not have a manager for next season and will instead use a group of coaches that will take turns managing the club. The results are a disaster as Chicago finishes 35 games out of first place.
1981: The Phillies sign third baseman Mike Schmidt to a six-year deal that will pay him $1.2 million per season.
1982: After five seasons with the Dodgers, Steve Garvey agrees to a five-year contract with the Padres.
1995: David Cone re-signs with the Yankees on a three-year, $18 million deal.
1999: The Dodgers receive a $50,000 fine and are banned from scouting any players from the Dominican Republic for a year as a penalty for having signed third baseman Adrian Beltre as a 15-year old. Beltre isn’t made a free agent by commissioner Bud Selig because he agreed to take part in the scheme.
2001: The Red Sox agree to a four-year deal with outfielder Johnny Damon.
2013: Outfielder Shin-Soo Choo agrees to a seven-year, $130 million deal with the Texas Rangers.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
<img alt="Al Lopez Full Gear" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/SZ5M7nGMNat9MkpZQ-tK8dSVq40=/0x0:2521x1681/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73801019/113465513.0.jpg">
Photo Reproduction by Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images
The baseball artists formerly (and currently) known as the Braves make a blockbuster deal with the Dodgers Braves Franchise History
1935: The Boston Bees acquire Ray Benge, Tony Cuccinello, Al Lopez and Bobby Regis from the Dodgers in exchange for Ed Brandt and Randy Moore.
<img alt="Al Lopez Leaping for Throw" data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/y1Hb6-PN-H5rrbU9MrJuSCJOFJ4=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25795166/73522146.jpg">
Al López leaps to catch a throw
MLB History
1960: Cubs owner Philip Wrigley announces that the club will not have a manager for next season and will instead use a group of coaches that will take turns managing the club. The results are a disaster as Chicago finishes 35 games out of first place.
1981: The Phillies sign third baseman Mike Schmidt to a six-year deal that will pay him $1.2 million per season.
1982: After five seasons with the Dodgers, Steve Garvey agrees to a five-year contract with the Padres.
1995: David Cone re-signs with the Yankees on a three-year, $18 million deal.
1999: The Dodgers receive a $50,000 fine and are banned from scouting any players from the Dominican Republic for a year as a penalty for having signed third baseman Adrian Beltre as a 15-year old. Beltre isn’t made a free agent by commissioner Bud Selig because he agreed to take part in the scheme.
2001: The Red Sox agree to a four-year deal with outfielder Johnny Damon.
2013: Outfielder Shin-Soo Choo agrees to a seven-year, $130 million deal with the Texas Rangers.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
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