<img alt="Los Angeles Dodgers v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/7UWl8p08ugVxjQCdX5sForc7ZPs=/0x0:6000x4000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73759864/2171260177.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves/Getty Images
The Winter Meetings are a week away. As the baseball calendar enters December, it is the time of year where offseason transactions really begin to pick up. With the 2024 Winter Meetings just a week away, we could see some notable trades and free agent signings occur any day now. And for the Braves, while it is fun to speculate who their potential trade targets are, it is also good to know what trade chips they may use to upgrade for 2025 and beyond. Mark Bowman looks at what Atlanta prospects could make the most sense to move in a deal. While the Braves may not have a ton of highly ranked prospects, they certainly have some talents that could be attractive to other teams in the right deal.
Braves News
In the latest season review, Sam Peebles looks at one of the more fun players of the 2024 season in mid-season pickup Whit Merrifield.
MLB News
It seems that the Mets and Red Sox could be the current leaders in the clubhouse for Juan Soto.
Moving Bryce Harper back to the outfield does not seem likely at this time for the Phillies.
<img alt="Los Angeles Dodgers v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/7UWl8p08ugVxjQCdX5sForc7ZPs=/0x0:6000x4000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73759864/2171260177.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves/Getty Images
The Winter Meetings are a week away. As the baseball calendar enters December, it is the time of year where offseason transactions really begin to pick up. With the 2024 Winter Meetings just a week away, we could see some notable trades and free agent signings occur any day now. And for the Braves, while it is fun to speculate who their potential trade targets are, it is also good to know what trade chips they may use to upgrade for 2025 and beyond. Mark Bowman looks at what Atlanta prospects could make the most sense to move in a deal. While the Braves may not have a ton of highly ranked prospects, they certainly have some talents that could be attractive to other teams in the right deal.
Braves News
In the latest season review, Sam Peebles looks at one of the more fun players of the 2024 season in mid-season pickup Whit Merrifield.
MLB News
It seems that the Mets and Red Sox could be the current leaders in the clubhouse for Juan Soto.
Moving Bryce Harper back to the outfield does not seem likely at this time for the Phillies.
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