<img alt="" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Ps_4BAsaUQ0csICj7XaJddd9HeI=/0x0:2206x1471/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73706392/AR4I1864.0.jpg">
Photo Credit: Mills Fitzner
Munoz pitched well in Double-A, posting solid strikeout numbers and a reduced walk rate. The twin of former Atlanta Braves prospect Roddery, Rolddy Munoz posted higher strikeout numbers in making his way to Double-A in 2024.
How He Was Acquired
Along with his brother, the Braves signed Rolddy Munoz as an international free agent out of the Dominican Republic in 2018.
What We Saw in 2024
Starting out his year in Rome, Munoz appeared in just seven games for the Emperors before being promoted to Mississippi. In his brief stint at High-A, Munoz posted a lackluster 5.23 ERA, but managed to strike out a whopping 16.5 batters per nine innings. He was also able to slightly reduce his walks, lowering from an average of 4.88 per nine the year prior, to 3.48 in the small sample size.
Upon joining the Braves at Double-A, Munoz saw a mixed result in terms of his overall numbers. On the one hand, his ERA dipped to a 3.98 across 40.2 innings, while posting an FIP of 2.67 out of the bullpen. Munoz’ strikeout numbers — while still impressive — also took a slight dive as his K/9 dropped to 12.39, as his walk numbers saw a slight uptick to 3.98 per nine innings.
2025 Outlook
Coming into 2024, Munoz was a bit of a wild card. Most viewed the righthander as having the stuff to eventually play at the big league level, but his walk numbers and control were hindering any significant advancement.
Across the season, Munoz showed to have much better control, while also keeping his strong strikeout numbers. Granted, he was 24 for a large part of the season at Double-A, the numbers are encouraging headed into 2025.
Munoz will most likely return to Mississippi to begin the 2025 campaign, but if he continues to harness his control while maintaining his strikeout totals, the Braves could be quick to move him to Gwinnett to see if he can withstand the Triple-A level.
Long-term, Munoz will solely be used as a reliever. There’s no debate there. The real question is how he fits into the Braves’ long-term plans in the bullpen picture. The Braves have been slow to bring reliever-only prospects along and fit them into the bullpen, similar to Daysbel Hernandez this year. However, there is the possibility that if he pitches well enough at Double-A, the Braves could be aggressive with him and see what he can do at higher levels.
<img alt="" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Ps_4BAsaUQ0csICj7XaJddd9HeI=/0x0:2206x1471/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73706392/AR4I1864.0.jpg">
Photo Credit: Mills Fitzner
Munoz pitched well in Double-A, posting solid strikeout numbers and a reduced walk rate. The twin of former Atlanta Braves prospect Roddery, Rolddy Munoz posted higher strikeout numbers in making his way to Double-A in 2024.
How He Was Acquired
Along with his brother, the Braves signed Rolddy Munoz as an international free agent out of the Dominican Republic in 2018.
What We Saw in 2024
Starting out his year in Rome, Munoz appeared in just seven games for the Emperors before being promoted to Mississippi. In his brief stint at High-A, Munoz posted a lackluster 5.23 ERA, but managed to strike out a whopping 16.5 batters per nine innings. He was also able to slightly reduce his walks, lowering from an average of 4.88 per nine the year prior, to 3.48 in the small sample size.
Upon joining the Braves at Double-A, Munoz saw a mixed result in terms of his overall numbers. On the one hand, his ERA dipped to a 3.98 across 40.2 innings, while posting an FIP of 2.67 out of the bullpen. Munoz’ strikeout numbers — while still impressive — also took a slight dive as his K/9 dropped to 12.39, as his walk numbers saw a slight uptick to 3.98 per nine innings.
2025 Outlook
Coming into 2024, Munoz was a bit of a wild card. Most viewed the righthander as having the stuff to eventually play at the big league level, but his walk numbers and control were hindering any significant advancement.
Across the season, Munoz showed to have much better control, while also keeping his strong strikeout numbers. Granted, he was 24 for a large part of the season at Double-A, the numbers are encouraging headed into 2025.
Munoz will most likely return to Mississippi to begin the 2025 campaign, but if he continues to harness his control while maintaining his strikeout totals, the Braves could be quick to move him to Gwinnett to see if he can withstand the Triple-A level.
Long-term, Munoz will solely be used as a reliever. There’s no debate there. The real question is how he fits into the Braves’ long-term plans in the bullpen picture. The Braves have been slow to bring reliever-only prospects along and fit them into the bullpen, similar to Daysbel Hernandez this year. However, there is the possibility that if he pitches well enough at Double-A, the Braves could be aggressive with him and see what he can do at higher levels.
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