<img alt="World Series - New York Yankees v Los Angeles Dodgers - Game 1" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/5bw6pnqyFCS5X4x6EH4YAGqXPIQ=/0x0:5090x3393/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73687462/2181097139.0.jpg">
Photo by Harry How/Getty Images
The Yankees face an elimination game tonight The Yankees will send out Luis Gil to extend the season by one more day. Ben Casparius will lead a bullpen game for the Dodgers. Game 4 starts at 8:08 Eastern on FOX.
If the Dodgers win, a Will Smith will get a ring yet again. But he’s a position player. It’s kinda weird, but I feel that Michael Kopech is the closest relief-pitcher-Will Smithian type player on the Dodgers. He is toting a 4.79 FIP and 5.83 xFIP in the postseason, and yet a pseudo-productive member of the Dodgers bullpen. The Braves did not let him escape the first inning in a game started by him in July 2023 for the White Sox.
This could be the last baseball game until March, unless the Yankees win. Or the Dodgers can win and we can drive a stake through the heart of this season already and never talk about it again. Either way has its merits, I guess. Maybe Freddie Freeman will record the last out in a World Series game again. That won’t be nearly as much fun as last time, but it’s something.
<img alt="World Series - New York Yankees v Los Angeles Dodgers - Game 1" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/5bw6pnqyFCS5X4x6EH4YAGqXPIQ=/0x0:5090x3393/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73687462/2181097139.0.jpg">
Photo by Harry How/Getty Images
The Yankees face an elimination game tonight The Yankees will send out Luis Gil to extend the season by one more day. Ben Casparius will lead a bullpen game for the Dodgers. Game 4 starts at 8:08 Eastern on FOX.
If the Dodgers win, a Will Smith will get a ring yet again. But he’s a position player. It’s kinda weird, but I feel that Michael Kopech is the closest relief-pitcher-Will Smithian type player on the Dodgers. He is toting a 4.79 FIP and 5.83 xFIP in the postseason, and yet a pseudo-productive member of the Dodgers bullpen. The Braves did not let him escape the first inning in a game started by him in July 2023 for the White Sox.
This could be the last baseball game until March, unless the Yankees win. Or the Dodgers can win and we can drive a stake through the heart of this season already and never talk about it again. Either way has its merits, I guess. Maybe Freddie Freeman will record the last out in a World Series game again. That won’t be nearly as much fun as last time, but it’s something.
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