<img alt="Championship Series - Los Angeles Dodgers v. New York Mets - Game Three" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fchKJigmqChNOjk8swii-Whk1Hk=/0x0:4638x3092/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73658551/2178076298.0.jpg">
Photo by Rob Tringali/MLB Photos via Getty Images
The NLCS rolls on The coast-to-coast NLCS switches coasts for the next three games. Starting tonight, the Los Angeles Dodgers will be looking to establish themselves at Citi Field against the New York Mets. Luis Severino is going for the Mets, while cat enthusiast Walker Buehler will be making the start for the Dodgers. Will the Dodgers bounce back and take control of the series? Will the Mets send their fans home happy tonight? Will this burger I’m enjoying for dinner be especially tasty tonight? Folks, it’s time to figure it out.
<img alt="Championship Series - Los Angeles Dodgers v. New York Mets - Game Three" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fchKJigmqChNOjk8swii-Whk1Hk=/0x0:4638x3092/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73658551/2178076298.0.jpg">
Photo by Rob Tringali/MLB Photos via Getty Images
The NLCS rolls on The coast-to-coast NLCS switches coasts for the next three games. Starting tonight, the Los Angeles Dodgers will be looking to establish themselves at Citi Field against the New York Mets. Luis Severino is going for the Mets, while cat enthusiast Walker Buehler will be making the start for the Dodgers. Will the Dodgers bounce back and take control of the series? Will the Mets send their fans home happy tonight? Will this burger I’m enjoying for dinner be especially tasty tonight? Folks, it’s time to figure it out.
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