<img alt="Houston Astros v New York Mets" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-V0QO8vBrqjMgKaCajXt06404n4=/0x0:3000x2000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73640529/2159740882.0.jpg">
Photo by Luke Hales/Getty Images
The spicy NLDS switches venues After we saw both ALDS get evened up at one game apiece, we’re now moving on to the the NLDS where things have gotten very spicy between these two pairs of divisional rivals. The Phillies will be going from getting booed by their own fans to getting booed by New York fans — which could await the Mets themselves if they don’t perform, themselves.
Meanwhile, the Padres will be looking to rattle the Dodgers a bit more as their series goes from Los Angeles to San Diego. Assuming we don’t see any more rogue baseballs being tossed around, this oughta be an exciting contest. Either way, we got some spicy matchups coming and it’ll be very intriguing to see who comes out with the upper hand after tonight.
<img alt="Houston Astros v New York Mets" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-V0QO8vBrqjMgKaCajXt06404n4=/0x0:3000x2000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73640529/2159740882.0.jpg">
Photo by Luke Hales/Getty Images
The spicy NLDS switches venues After we saw both ALDS get evened up at one game apiece, we’re now moving on to the the NLDS where things have gotten very spicy between these two pairs of divisional rivals. The Phillies will be going from getting booed by their own fans to getting booed by New York fans — which could await the Mets themselves if they don’t perform, themselves.
Meanwhile, the Padres will be looking to rattle the Dodgers a bit more as their series goes from Los Angeles to San Diego. Assuming we don’t see any more rogue baseballs being tossed around, this oughta be an exciting contest. Either way, we got some spicy matchups coming and it’ll be very intriguing to see who comes out with the upper hand after tonight.
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