<img alt="Division Series - Detroit Tigers v Cleveland Guardians - Game 1" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/mmvxBx_4lHIUQDE7bpTcneCOkf8=/0x0:7979x5319/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73638071/2176975009.0.jpg">
Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images
It’s getting spicy! The action continues after a particularly spicy day of Postseason baseball that saw the Phillies prove that maybe (just, maybe) the Mets can’t keep getting away with this and the Padres turn Dodger Stadium into a salt den after demolishing the Dodgers.
Now, all eyes turn to the American League, where the Royals are looking to get back up from the canvas following a heavy loss to the Guardians and the Royals are looking to get revenge for a narrow loss to the Yankees in Game 1. These NLDS have been fun to watch so far and hopefully it’ll continue!
<img alt="Division Series - Detroit Tigers v Cleveland Guardians - Game 1" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/mmvxBx_4lHIUQDE7bpTcneCOkf8=/0x0:7979x5319/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73638071/2176975009.0.jpg">
Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images
It’s getting spicy! The action continues after a particularly spicy day of Postseason baseball that saw the Phillies prove that maybe (just, maybe) the Mets can’t keep getting away with this and the Padres turn Dodger Stadium into a salt den after demolishing the Dodgers.
Now, all eyes turn to the American League, where the Royals are looking to get back up from the canvas following a heavy loss to the Guardians and the Royals are looking to get revenge for a narrow loss to the Yankees in Game 1. These NLDS have been fun to watch so far and hopefully it’ll continue!
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