<img alt="Wild Card Series - New York Mets v Milwaukee Brewers - Game 2" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Zwnj2EYNgMWximmca3i1s2qHtvs=/0x0:5900x3933/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73630593/2176290353.0.jpg">
Photo by John Fisher/Getty Images
It’s time to go into full hater mode There’s only one Postseason game scheduled tonight, as the only series to go the distance was between the Milwaukee Brewers and the New York Mets. I think I have a pretty good idea of who everybody over here is rooting for in this one.
2024 NL Wild Card Series
Game 3: New York Mets (41.7% ZiPS Game Odds) vs. Milwaukee Brewers (58.3% ZiPS Game Odds)
Probable starters:
NYM - Jose Quintana (95 ERA-, 113 FIP-)
MIL - Tobias Myers (73 ERA-, 96 FIP-)
Game Time: 7:08 pm E.T.
Location: American Family Field, Milwaukee, WI
Streaming: https://www.espn.com/watch/
<img alt="Wild Card Series - New York Mets v Milwaukee Brewers - Game 2" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Zwnj2EYNgMWximmca3i1s2qHtvs=/0x0:5900x3933/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73630593/2176290353.0.jpg">
Photo by John Fisher/Getty Images
It’s time to go into full hater mode There’s only one Postseason game scheduled tonight, as the only series to go the distance was between the Milwaukee Brewers and the New York Mets. I think I have a pretty good idea of who everybody over here is rooting for in this one.
2024 NL Wild Card Series
Game 3: New York Mets (41.7% ZiPS Game Odds) vs. Milwaukee Brewers (58.3% ZiPS Game Odds)
Probable starters:
NYM - Jose Quintana (95 ERA-, 113 FIP-)
MIL - Tobias Myers (73 ERA-, 96 FIP-)
Game Time: 7:08 pm E.T.
Location: American Family Field, Milwaukee, WI
Streaming: https://www.espn.com/watch/
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