<img alt="Philadelphia Phillies v Cincinnati Reds" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/xuqTsmahwrD_OpqLX1-bJ6KeDNM=/0x0:5152x3435/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73596322/1482504721.0.jpg">
Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images
Time to get out of here with the series win, please. Last night, the Atlanta Braves made sure that they held on to a 5-1 lead. In fact, they even went further than that and ended up winning the game 7-1 over the Cincinnati Reds. A sweep would’ve been great (and obviously preferred) but for now, it is once again absolutely imperative that the Braves get out of Ohio with a series win. They’ll have Chris Sale going for them in this big game and I’d imagine that he’d be everybody’s choice around here to start a game that the Braves absolutely have to win. Hopefully he’ll continue to be excellent and we’ll be talking later about how the Braves picked up a big series win.
Game Notes
<img alt="Philadelphia Phillies v Cincinnati Reds" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/xuqTsmahwrD_OpqLX1-bJ6KeDNM=/0x0:5152x3435/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73596322/1482504721.0.jpg">
Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images
Time to get out of here with the series win, please. Last night, the Atlanta Braves made sure that they held on to a 5-1 lead. In fact, they even went further than that and ended up winning the game 7-1 over the Cincinnati Reds. A sweep would’ve been great (and obviously preferred) but for now, it is once again absolutely imperative that the Braves get out of Ohio with a series win. They’ll have Chris Sale going for them in this big game and I’d imagine that he’d be everybody’s choice around here to start a game that the Braves absolutely have to win. Hopefully he’ll continue to be excellent and we’ll be talking later about how the Braves picked up a big series win.
Game Notes
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