<img alt="Atlanta Braves v. Cincinnati Reds" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/JM47UkYSLE1KN9EcDa9r0IdPXoU=/0x0:4574x3049/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73594794/2171952145.0.jpg">
Photo by Kareem Elgazzar/MLB Photos via Getty Images
Atlanta’s fortunes need to change, and quickly at that. The Atlanta Braves have lost three straight games. It’s September 18 and they’re currently two games behind the Mets for and Diamondbacks for a Postseason spot. Needless to say, they’ve picked a terrible time to go on a skid and it’s time for that skid to end right now. There’s no two ways around it, this has to be a win for Atlanta as they can’t keep relying on help from other teams. It won’t matter if they can’t help themselves, so the Braves have got to figure it out tonight. Hopefully we’ll see them make it happen against the Cincinnati Reds tonight!
Game Notes
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v. Cincinnati Reds" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/JM47UkYSLE1KN9EcDa9r0IdPXoU=/0x0:4574x3049/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73594794/2171952145.0.jpg">
Photo by Kareem Elgazzar/MLB Photos via Getty Images
Atlanta’s fortunes need to change, and quickly at that. The Atlanta Braves have lost three straight games. It’s September 18 and they’re currently two games behind the Mets for and Diamondbacks for a Postseason spot. Needless to say, they’ve picked a terrible time to go on a skid and it’s time for that skid to end right now. There’s no two ways around it, this has to be a win for Atlanta as they can’t keep relying on help from other teams. It won’t matter if they can’t help themselves, so the Braves have got to figure it out tonight. Hopefully we’ll see them make it happen against the Cincinnati Reds tonight!
Game Notes
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