<img alt="Houston Astros v Cincinnati Reds" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Q0TH4x48uIbgztutZyOP9GhAmuU=/0x0:8640x5760/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73592570/2170439252.0.jpg">
Photo by Jason Mowry/Getty Images
It’s time to bounce back, y’all Let’s cut right to the chase. The Atlanta Braves are once again on the outside-looking in. They’re on the road against a Cincinnati Reds team that has been pitching just about as well as any team in baseball. The Braves themselves are trusting in Grant Holmes to make a big start tonight in order to help out the rotation that’s missing Reynaldo López. Every game from here on out is huge and it’s time for the Braves to live up to the occasion in order to make sure that their dreams of getting into the tournament continue to stay alive.
Game Notes
Ozzie Albies set to start rehab assignment tonight
<img alt="Houston Astros v Cincinnati Reds" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Q0TH4x48uIbgztutZyOP9GhAmuU=/0x0:8640x5760/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73592570/2170439252.0.jpg">
Photo by Jason Mowry/Getty Images
It’s time to bounce back, y’all Let’s cut right to the chase. The Atlanta Braves are once again on the outside-looking in. They’re on the road against a Cincinnati Reds team that has been pitching just about as well as any team in baseball. The Braves themselves are trusting in Grant Holmes to make a big start tonight in order to help out the rotation that’s missing Reynaldo López. Every game from here on out is huge and it’s time for the Braves to live up to the occasion in order to make sure that their dreams of getting into the tournament continue to stay alive.
Game Notes
Ozzie Albies set to start rehab assignment tonight
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