<img alt="MLB: SEP 14 Dodgers at Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/x9yaoHDoeUPb-m39Ngo2Os2wehQ=/0x0:3600x2400/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73589474/2171262736.0.jpg">
Photo by David J. Griffin/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
Braves fans aren’t exactly enthusiastic about their team’s chances of playing October baseball. This has been an absolute doozy of a season for the Atlanta Braves. Nearly from the words “Play Ball,” the Atlanta Braves have had to deal with their star players going down due to injury or simply underperforming. With that being said, they spent most of the season holding on to a very comfortable spot in the National League Wild Card standings.
However, things have changed significantly in recent weeks and now the Braves are essentially fighting for the Postseason lives for each night. Last week, we asked fans to vote on where they figured the Braves would finish in the NL Wild Card standings. With four teams fighting for three spots, anything can happen. Still, it’s not really all that shocking that Braves fans are still pretty pessimistic about their odds of making the Postseason. The Mets have been hot, the Padres and Diamondbacks have stayed relatively consistent and Atlanta themselves are still dealing with inconsistencies at the plate and injuries.
Here’s the results from last week’s SB Nation Reacts survey:
<img alt=" " data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/klQ2ImfvQ1RTBjsSfvNVL7__OJY=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25622662/Atlanta_1_91124.png">
As you can see, while more than half of Braves fans believe that they will make it into the Postseason (and some of you are even holding onto hope that they’ll even move up in the standings), nearly half believe that the Braves are going to miss the Postseason entirely. There’s certainly a split of opinion and that makes sense considering how much things are still up in the air at the moment.
Big thanks to everybody who voted and we’ll have the results from the 2024 Braves MVP survey tomorrow afternoon.
<img alt="MLB: SEP 14 Dodgers at Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/x9yaoHDoeUPb-m39Ngo2Os2wehQ=/0x0:3600x2400/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73589474/2171262736.0.jpg">
Photo by David J. Griffin/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
Braves fans aren’t exactly enthusiastic about their team’s chances of playing October baseball. This has been an absolute doozy of a season for the Atlanta Braves. Nearly from the words “Play Ball,” the Atlanta Braves have had to deal with their star players going down due to injury or simply underperforming. With that being said, they spent most of the season holding on to a very comfortable spot in the National League Wild Card standings.
However, things have changed significantly in recent weeks and now the Braves are essentially fighting for the Postseason lives for each night. Last week, we asked fans to vote on where they figured the Braves would finish in the NL Wild Card standings. With four teams fighting for three spots, anything can happen. Still, it’s not really all that shocking that Braves fans are still pretty pessimistic about their odds of making the Postseason. The Mets have been hot, the Padres and Diamondbacks have stayed relatively consistent and Atlanta themselves are still dealing with inconsistencies at the plate and injuries.
Here’s the results from last week’s SB Nation Reacts survey:
<img alt=" " data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/klQ2ImfvQ1RTBjsSfvNVL7__OJY=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25622662/Atlanta_1_91124.png">
As you can see, while more than half of Braves fans believe that they will make it into the Postseason (and some of you are even holding onto hope that they’ll even move up in the standings), nearly half believe that the Braves are going to miss the Postseason entirely. There’s certainly a split of opinion and that makes sense considering how much things are still up in the air at the moment.
Big thanks to everybody who voted and we’ll have the results from the 2024 Braves MVP survey tomorrow afternoon.
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