<img alt="Toronto Blue Jays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PkK6BIejvKJ5Mn8csSJ29uPdBKs=/0x0:6000x4000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73576830/2170215227.0.jpg">
Photo by Edward M. Pio Roda/Getty Images
We’ve got a pair of questions in this edition of SB Nation Reacts! Welcome to SB Nation Reacts, a survey of fans across the MLB. Throughout the year we ask questions of the most plugged-in Atlanta Braves fans and fans across the country. Sign up here to participate in the weekly emailed surveys.
With the regular season coming to a close, it’s time to take a look at two of the most interesting questions that are left for this team to answer. The first and most obvious question is where will the Atlanta Braves finish in the Wild Card race? Despite being on the outside looking in right now, the Braves are still within striking distance of not only getting that spot back but also potentially ending up in the top Wild Card spot. So where do you think they will finish?
Then there’s the question of who has been this team’s MVP this season. It’s been a very, very unusual season and I think it’s safe to say that it would’ve been very hard to imagine any of these three nominees potentially being the team MVP all the way back in the offseason. Yet, here we are! Now it’s time to see who you think has been the stalwart of this team in 2024.
Please take our survey
As always: Check out DraftKings Sportsbook, the official sportsbook partner of SB Nation.
<img alt="Toronto Blue Jays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PkK6BIejvKJ5Mn8csSJ29uPdBKs=/0x0:6000x4000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73576830/2170215227.0.jpg">
Photo by Edward M. Pio Roda/Getty Images
We’ve got a pair of questions in this edition of SB Nation Reacts! Welcome to SB Nation Reacts, a survey of fans across the MLB. Throughout the year we ask questions of the most plugged-in Atlanta Braves fans and fans across the country. Sign up here to participate in the weekly emailed surveys.
With the regular season coming to a close, it’s time to take a look at two of the most interesting questions that are left for this team to answer. The first and most obvious question is where will the Atlanta Braves finish in the Wild Card race? Despite being on the outside looking in right now, the Braves are still within striking distance of not only getting that spot back but also potentially ending up in the top Wild Card spot. So where do you think they will finish?
Then there’s the question of who has been this team’s MVP this season. It’s been a very, very unusual season and I think it’s safe to say that it would’ve been very hard to imagine any of these three nominees potentially being the team MVP all the way back in the offseason. Yet, here we are! Now it’s time to see who you think has been the stalwart of this team in 2024.
Please take our survey
As always: Check out DraftKings Sportsbook, the official sportsbook partner of SB Nation.
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