<img alt="Toronto Blue Jays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/NeHvBre0rwIuWEvGrCieDjuCpw8=/0x0:6000x4000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73576416/2170251780.0.jpg">
Photo by Edward M. Pio Roda/Getty Images
You ask, we answer. Well, well, well. Things have certainly gotten nice (well, not so nice) and interesting as far as the Postseason goes. The Atlanta Braves are now in an incredibly intense fight to hold onto a Wild Card spot. At the same time, the two teams in front of them in the Wild Card are also tantalizingly within reach, so it’s all very possible that the Braves could be hosting playoff games just as easily as they could be on the outside looking in.
Either way, I’m sure y’all have a ton of questions and I’m actually really looking forward to this since it’ll be my first time doing one of these. I’ll take questions through Thursday night and I’ll run the answers on Monday morning. know that’s a bit of a slow turnaround but please bear with me here as I’m getting used to this sort of thing. Additionally, that’ll also give y’all through the off day to ask some questions if you have any once the “series” is over. Anyways, you can send any questions you may have to batterypowersbn [at] gmail [dot] com or you can drop ‘em off in the comments section as well.
<img alt="Toronto Blue Jays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/NeHvBre0rwIuWEvGrCieDjuCpw8=/0x0:6000x4000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73576416/2170251780.0.jpg">
Photo by Edward M. Pio Roda/Getty Images
You ask, we answer. Well, well, well. Things have certainly gotten nice (well, not so nice) and interesting as far as the Postseason goes. The Atlanta Braves are now in an incredibly intense fight to hold onto a Wild Card spot. At the same time, the two teams in front of them in the Wild Card are also tantalizingly within reach, so it’s all very possible that the Braves could be hosting playoff games just as easily as they could be on the outside looking in.
Either way, I’m sure y’all have a ton of questions and I’m actually really looking forward to this since it’ll be my first time doing one of these. I’ll take questions through Thursday night and I’ll run the answers on Monday morning. know that’s a bit of a slow turnaround but please bear with me here as I’m getting used to this sort of thing. Additionally, that’ll also give y’all through the off day to ask some questions if you have any once the “series” is over. Anyways, you can send any questions you may have to batterypowersbn [at] gmail [dot] com or you can drop ‘em off in the comments section as well.
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