<img alt="Cincinnati Reds v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9F2_1HY68VAtabYAFGhthDQTXwA=/0x0:5730x3820/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73558871/2162572637.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves/Getty Images
The Braves most recent top pick is already receiving significant attention MLB Pipeline surprised and disappointed Atlanta Braves fans with their view of the farm system, deciding not to rank a single Braves prospect in their midseason top 100 update. That didn’t last particularly long however, as on Friday they slid in first round pick Cam Caminiti to the back of the list. Caminiti was just a day from debut at this time, and it’s quite an honor for an 18 year old with zero professional experience to be seen so highly by any publication.
LHP Cam Caminiti joins the Top 100 Prospects list upon Jordan Beck's graduation.Grades, scouting report and more on the #Braves' 2024 first-rounder: https://t.co/5VfZwy11d9 pic.twitter.com/FUQA9LqWbS— MLB Pipeline (@MLBPipeline) August 31, 2024
Caminiti is the most-hyped player the Braves have taken in the draft in years, since they have been picking in the back end of the first round over the past five drafts. It was a bit of a surprise to see Caminiti drop to the Braves and he was a perfect fit for an organization that has taken a leap forward in their pitching development over the past couple of years. True to recent trends the Braves decided to assign Caminiti to Single-A Augusta to finish out the season where he debuted on Saturday evening with four strikeouts and one run allowed over three innings. If you’re interested to hear more about that debut and 2nd round pick Carter Holton’s the prior day, keep an eye on Battery Power where I’ll have a post coming up later today going over my observations from being in attendance for their debuts.
<img alt="Cincinnati Reds v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9F2_1HY68VAtabYAFGhthDQTXwA=/0x0:5730x3820/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73558871/2162572637.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves/Getty Images
The Braves most recent top pick is already receiving significant attention MLB Pipeline surprised and disappointed Atlanta Braves fans with their view of the farm system, deciding not to rank a single Braves prospect in their midseason top 100 update. That didn’t last particularly long however, as on Friday they slid in first round pick Cam Caminiti to the back of the list. Caminiti was just a day from debut at this time, and it’s quite an honor for an 18 year old with zero professional experience to be seen so highly by any publication.
LHP Cam Caminiti joins the Top 100 Prospects list upon Jordan Beck's graduation.Grades, scouting report and more on the #Braves' 2024 first-rounder: https://t.co/5VfZwy11d9 pic.twitter.com/FUQA9LqWbS— MLB Pipeline (@MLBPipeline) August 31, 2024
Caminiti is the most-hyped player the Braves have taken in the draft in years, since they have been picking in the back end of the first round over the past five drafts. It was a bit of a surprise to see Caminiti drop to the Braves and he was a perfect fit for an organization that has taken a leap forward in their pitching development over the past couple of years. True to recent trends the Braves decided to assign Caminiti to Single-A Augusta to finish out the season where he debuted on Saturday evening with four strikeouts and one run allowed over three innings. If you’re interested to hear more about that debut and 2nd round pick Carter Holton’s the prior day, keep an eye on Battery Power where I’ll have a post coming up later today going over my observations from being in attendance for their debuts.
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