<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Chicago Cubs - Game Two" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ST9m6YFY-N8buMRijv0yF1YyrbQ=/0x618:1737x1776/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73555805/1938080553.0.jpg">
Photo by SPX/Diamond Images via Getty Images
They were doing some serious boppin’ back in ‘97. Braves Franchise History
1921: The Reds and the Braves tie a major league record as their infields combine for 28 chances. The Reds won the game 7-3.
1997: Andruw Jones hits the Atlanta Braves’ 10th grand slam of the season to set a new National League record.
2001: The Braves acquire Julio Franco from the Mexico City Tigers. Franco was leading the Mexican League with a .437 average and hadn’t played in the majors since 1997.
2011: Chipper Jones hits the 450th home run of his career to help the Braves to a 3-1 win over the Nationals. Craig Kimbrel picked up his 41st save of the season to establish a new rookie record.
MLB History
1917: Babe Ruth picks up his 20th win of the season in a 5-3 win over the A’s.
1937: Detroit rookie Rudy York homers twice and breaks Babe Ruth’s record for homers in a month with his 17th and 18th in a 12-3 win over Washington.
1950: Gil Hodges becomes the fourth major league player in the century to hit four home runs in the same game as Brooklyn blows out the Braves 19-3.
1959: Sandy Koufax sets a National League record with 18 strikeouts in a 5-2 win over the Giants.
1981: The Royals fire manager Jim Frey and replace him with Dick Howser.
1988: Arbitrator George Nicolau rules against Major League owners conspired to fix the free agent market after the 1986 season. Twelve players will be granted no-risk free agency after the season as will as monetary compensation.
1989: Arbitrator Thomas Roberts orders that Major League owners must pay $10.5 million in damages as a result of their collusion against free agents after the 1985 season.
1990: Ken Griffey Jr. and Ken Griffey Sr. become the first father and son to play in the same major league lineup with the Seattle Mariners.
<img alt="Seattle Mariners v Boston Red Sox" data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/4ScVa3GyZ8TzhM6T0x8IbHHmy_c=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25591465/103191435.jpg">
Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images
1992: The A’s trade Jose Canseco to the Rangers for Ruben Sierra, Bobby Witt and Jeff Russell.
1994: Over three hours worth of negotiations with federal mediators produce no progress in the strike and no further talks are scheduled as the work stoppage moves into its fourth week.
2010: The Rangers acquire outfielder Jeff Francoeur from the Mets for infielder Joaquin Arias.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Chicago Cubs - Game Two" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ST9m6YFY-N8buMRijv0yF1YyrbQ=/0x618:1737x1776/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73555805/1938080553.0.jpg">
Photo by SPX/Diamond Images via Getty Images
They were doing some serious boppin’ back in ‘97. Braves Franchise History
1921: The Reds and the Braves tie a major league record as their infields combine for 28 chances. The Reds won the game 7-3.
1997: Andruw Jones hits the Atlanta Braves’ 10th grand slam of the season to set a new National League record.
2001: The Braves acquire Julio Franco from the Mexico City Tigers. Franco was leading the Mexican League with a .437 average and hadn’t played in the majors since 1997.
2011: Chipper Jones hits the 450th home run of his career to help the Braves to a 3-1 win over the Nationals. Craig Kimbrel picked up his 41st save of the season to establish a new rookie record.
MLB History
1917: Babe Ruth picks up his 20th win of the season in a 5-3 win over the A’s.
1937: Detroit rookie Rudy York homers twice and breaks Babe Ruth’s record for homers in a month with his 17th and 18th in a 12-3 win over Washington.
1950: Gil Hodges becomes the fourth major league player in the century to hit four home runs in the same game as Brooklyn blows out the Braves 19-3.
1959: Sandy Koufax sets a National League record with 18 strikeouts in a 5-2 win over the Giants.
1981: The Royals fire manager Jim Frey and replace him with Dick Howser.
1988: Arbitrator George Nicolau rules against Major League owners conspired to fix the free agent market after the 1986 season. Twelve players will be granted no-risk free agency after the season as will as monetary compensation.
1989: Arbitrator Thomas Roberts orders that Major League owners must pay $10.5 million in damages as a result of their collusion against free agents after the 1985 season.
1990: Ken Griffey Jr. and Ken Griffey Sr. become the first father and son to play in the same major league lineup with the Seattle Mariners.
<img alt="Seattle Mariners v Boston Red Sox" data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/4ScVa3GyZ8TzhM6T0x8IbHHmy_c=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25591465/103191435.jpg">
Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images
1992: The A’s trade Jose Canseco to the Rangers for Ruben Sierra, Bobby Witt and Jeff Russell.
1994: Over three hours worth of negotiations with federal mediators produce no progress in the strike and no further talks are scheduled as the work stoppage moves into its fourth week.
2010: The Rangers acquire outfielder Jeff Francoeur from the Mets for infielder Joaquin Arias.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
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