<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PFuP2-_1BI8rgxG0OmBax2-IFME=/0x0:3095x2063/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73555108/usa_today_24107661.0.jpg">
Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports
Hopefully the sequel is better than the original. Last night’s game was going very well for the Atlanta Braves until disaster struck and a pair of big home runs for the Philadelphia Phillies turned what was looking like a comfortable win into a disappointing loss. Now, the Braves have a chance to respond and with the way Reynaldo López has been pitching this season, you have to believe that the Braves are going to have a decent enough shot at evening up this series tonight.
Ranger Suárez and the Phillies are surely sensing that they’ve got a big opportunity to send the Braves into some serious doldrums with a win tonight, so this certainly won’t be an easy contest. Either way, it’ll be exciting and hopefully I’ll come back here later on to tell y’all about a win for Atlanta.
Game Notes
<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PFuP2-_1BI8rgxG0OmBax2-IFME=/0x0:3095x2063/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73555108/usa_today_24107661.0.jpg">
Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports
Hopefully the sequel is better than the original. Last night’s game was going very well for the Atlanta Braves until disaster struck and a pair of big home runs for the Philadelphia Phillies turned what was looking like a comfortable win into a disappointing loss. Now, the Braves have a chance to respond and with the way Reynaldo López has been pitching this season, you have to believe that the Braves are going to have a decent enough shot at evening up this series tonight.
Ranger Suárez and the Phillies are surely sensing that they’ve got a big opportunity to send the Braves into some serious doldrums with a win tonight, so this certainly won’t be an easy contest. Either way, it’ll be exciting and hopefully I’ll come back here later on to tell y’all about a win for Atlanta.
Game Notes
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