<img alt="MLB: Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/n0Vi2Ay7ldoIeE7sYeBR1pJZTUw=/0x0:2648x1765/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73550749/usa_today_24062597.0.jpg">
Sale looks to secure sweep of Twins | Jordan Godfree-USA TODAY Sports
Chris Sale takes the mound for the Braves looking for a sweep The Atlanta Braves take on the Twins this evening looking to win their sixth game out of seven and bring out the brooms for a sweep.
Chris Sale is slated to take the mound as he looks to bolster his Cy Young chances and faces the rookie David Festa, who has a 3.08 ERA since July third.
Carlos Santana, has forty-five at-bats against Chris Sale, and has a .311 average against him. He will be a player to keep an eye on since he has had success over a long period of time against Sale.
The Braves have averaged nine runs a game so far this series after averaging just over four for the season. Hopefully they can keep their scoring going. With Sale on the mound, they may not need nine runs to win this one.
First pitch is at 7:40 ET
Game Notes
<img alt="MLB: Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/n0Vi2Ay7ldoIeE7sYeBR1pJZTUw=/0x0:2648x1765/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73550749/usa_today_24062597.0.jpg">
Sale looks to secure sweep of Twins | Jordan Godfree-USA TODAY Sports
Chris Sale takes the mound for the Braves looking for a sweep The Atlanta Braves take on the Twins this evening looking to win their sixth game out of seven and bring out the brooms for a sweep.
Chris Sale is slated to take the mound as he looks to bolster his Cy Young chances and faces the rookie David Festa, who has a 3.08 ERA since July third.
Carlos Santana, has forty-five at-bats against Chris Sale, and has a .311 average against him. He will be a player to keep an eye on since he has had success over a long period of time against Sale.
The Braves have averaged nine runs a game so far this series after averaging just over four for the season. Hopefully they can keep their scoring going. With Sale on the mound, they may not need nine runs to win this one.
First pitch is at 7:40 ET
Game Notes
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