<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Minnesota Twins" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fKcl-98g9139VW9VQ731KHLJRzk=/0x0:5474x3649/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73547906/2168804412.0.jpg">
Photo by Brace Hemmelgarn/Minnesota Twins/Getty Images
For what it’s worth, the weather in Minneapolis tonight is forecasted to be partly cloudy. Phew! Last night was some type of game, right? Mother Nature poured on the rain but not before the Atlanta Braves poured on the pain, as Atlanta rushed out to a huge lead that eventually held intact in order to give them a rare high-scoring win over the Minnesota Twins. The Braves are now going for the series win in the battle of pitchers with extremely long last names, as Spencer Schwellenbach is getting the start against Simeon Woods Richardson. This should be a good one, so sit back and enjoy what will hopefully be a Braves victory tonight!
Game Notes
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Minnesota Twins" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fKcl-98g9139VW9VQ731KHLJRzk=/0x0:5474x3649/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73547906/2168804412.0.jpg">
Photo by Brace Hemmelgarn/Minnesota Twins/Getty Images
For what it’s worth, the weather in Minneapolis tonight is forecasted to be partly cloudy. Phew! Last night was some type of game, right? Mother Nature poured on the rain but not before the Atlanta Braves poured on the pain, as Atlanta rushed out to a huge lead that eventually held intact in order to give them a rare high-scoring win over the Minnesota Twins. The Braves are now going for the series win in the battle of pitchers with extremely long last names, as Spencer Schwellenbach is getting the start against Simeon Woods Richardson. This should be a good one, so sit back and enjoy what will hopefully be a Braves victory tonight!
Game Notes
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