<img alt="Philadelphia Phillies v Minnesota Twins" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/BB022ruDAMy4ScUnSuQSTBGZU60=/0x0:8640x5760/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73545692/2164837969.0.jpg">
Photo by Brace Hemmelgarn/Minnesota Twins/Getty Images
Let’s take the “win” out of “Twins” By hook or crook, the Atlanta Braves have been holding on to a Postseason spot. They are still right in the thick of things and are looking to make sure it stays that way by getting this road trip off to a good start. They’ll be sending Max Fried to the mound to face off against the Minnesota Twins, who are countering with Bailey Ober. The Twins themselves are also in the midst of an intense battle for Postseason spots, so this game should be hotly contested. Hopefully I’ll be reporting back to y’all later on tonight about a big win for the Braves!
Game Notes
<img alt="Philadelphia Phillies v Minnesota Twins" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/BB022ruDAMy4ScUnSuQSTBGZU60=/0x0:8640x5760/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73545692/2164837969.0.jpg">
Photo by Brace Hemmelgarn/Minnesota Twins/Getty Images
Let’s take the “win” out of “Twins” By hook or crook, the Atlanta Braves have been holding on to a Postseason spot. They are still right in the thick of things and are looking to make sure it stays that way by getting this road trip off to a good start. They’ll be sending Max Fried to the mound to face off against the Minnesota Twins, who are countering with Bailey Ober. The Twins themselves are also in the midst of an intense battle for Postseason spots, so this game should be hotly contested. Hopefully I’ll be reporting back to y’all later on tonight about a big win for the Braves!
Game Notes
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