<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Angels" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/dGpuzikWIEvyb0lgE1sUty8jegU=/0x0:5706x3804/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73543257/usa_today_24026286.0.jpg">
Jonathan Hui-USA TODAY Sports
The Braves haven’t lost a starter for a week so I guess they were due You guessed it, folks. The Braves have had a player hit on the wrist by a pitch and exit the game. Today’s contestant is Michael Harris.
Kelenic replaces Harris in center. Harris was hit by a pitch in the left hand/wrist area in the first inning— Mark Bowman (@mlbbowman) August 25, 2024
This pitch was way inside and who knows where ball one and two are from this screenshot.
<img alt=" " data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/QSTnjNzaJ88CVyMjkfwVgo5wfTc=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25588299/Harris.PNG">
Harris did remain in the game and strikeout in the second inning. He was replaced by Jarred Kelenic in the top of the fifth inning.
OF Michael Harris II was removed from today’s game as a precaution with left hand soreness.— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) August 25, 2024
Listen, I won’t go on a rant here but this is enough already. The Braves have had a lifetime of injures in the space of four months. We are way past the “our pets heads are falling off” stage and well into the Monty Python amputated soldier sketch region. Jason Heyward is available after being released by the Dodgers, but maybe the Braves can manage without a roster move. Harris did immediately run to first base after the HBP, so maybe there is soreness and nothing more.
<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Angels" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/dGpuzikWIEvyb0lgE1sUty8jegU=/0x0:5706x3804/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73543257/usa_today_24026286.0.jpg">
Jonathan Hui-USA TODAY Sports
The Braves haven’t lost a starter for a week so I guess they were due You guessed it, folks. The Braves have had a player hit on the wrist by a pitch and exit the game. Today’s contestant is Michael Harris.
Kelenic replaces Harris in center. Harris was hit by a pitch in the left hand/wrist area in the first inning— Mark Bowman (@mlbbowman) August 25, 2024
This pitch was way inside and who knows where ball one and two are from this screenshot.
<img alt=" " data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/QSTnjNzaJ88CVyMjkfwVgo5wfTc=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25588299/Harris.PNG">
Harris did remain in the game and strikeout in the second inning. He was replaced by Jarred Kelenic in the top of the fifth inning.
OF Michael Harris II was removed from today’s game as a precaution with left hand soreness.— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) August 25, 2024
Listen, I won’t go on a rant here but this is enough already. The Braves have had a lifetime of injures in the space of four months. We are way past the “our pets heads are falling off” stage and well into the Monty Python amputated soldier sketch region. Jason Heyward is available after being released by the Dodgers, but maybe the Braves can manage without a roster move. Harris did immediately run to first base after the HBP, so maybe there is soreness and nothing more.
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