<img alt="Hank Aaron and Brother Tommy Aaron Crossing Bats" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/tIeU4cV6FALb3AwZgf-z3SNKgh0=/0x1092:2862x3000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73531528/515585586.0.jpg">
It’s time to let you know about a change in leadership for the website going forward. If you’re a reader of the Braves Mailbag that Kris Willis has regularly posted on here, then you may have caught that Kris dropped a bit of a bombshell near the end of the most recent mailbag. For posterity’s sake, I’ll quote it over here but also I’ll go ahead and link the entire post since it’s a good one, as usual:
Writing these mailbags has been one of the most fun things I have done on the site over the last couple of years. However, this is going to be my last one. Last month I was promoted to Editorial Manager for baseball at SB Nation. That means I am now responsible for all of the baseball team sites. That also means that there is going to be a new Producer in place for Battery Power soon.
I added the emphasis in the quote since that’s what I’m here to talk about. Effective today, I am now the Team Site Producer for Battery Power. As a fan who started out reading this website well over a decade ago as a way to pass time before (and after) college classes, it’s honestly a dream come true to be trusted with keeping this wonderful community going into the future.
That’s also how I’ll be approaching this when it comes to overseeing the day-to-day operations of this blog. I hope that y’all will trust that we’ll continue to bring y’all the best independent coverage of the Atlanta Braves that you can find on the internet and I trust that y’all will continue to show up for us like you have time and time again in the past. I’m grateful for everybody who has ever clicked on an article of mine and any article on this website in general. This place doesn’t exist without readers like you and your support means the world to me and everybody else who writes here.
We’re all trying to come together and make this a cool spot for Braves fans to come together talk ball — whether things are going well like for the past few seasons or we’re in the midst of a season like this one where we’re wondering what in the world did the Braves do to anger the baseball gods in terms of this season’s rotten injury luck. Through thick and thin, this place has remained a constant part of my Braves fandom and it’s obvious that a lot of you feel the same way in terms of continuing to come and visit the spot. Whether it’s to celebrate another big win or to come on here to vent, I definitely appreciate having this place around and I’m very excited to have an even more active role in keeping this place going strong.
Obviously, the big question that I’d be thinking of if I was strictly a reader would be “How does this change the site going forward?” For now (and probably the future), it doesn’t change a lot. We’re still going to give you wall-to-wall Braves coverage, all of the writers and voices that you’ve grown used to hearing from and reading around here are still going to be here and we’re all committed to keeping this blog going strong for the business end of this season and beyond. If there are any major changes to be made going forward, we’ll let you know about it and try to be as transparent as possible but also if I were you, I wouldn’t be looking for anything major to change in the near future. You know what you’re coming here for, we know what you’re coming here for and we’re going to keep on giving it to you for the foreseeable future.
If you’ve got any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. I’ll be camping out in the comments for a bit in order to answer any questions that y’all may have. Also if you’ve got any questions that you want to ask me on my socials, feel free to hit me up over on X Twitter and I’ll try to get back to you whenever I can. If you go that route then all I ask is that you be cool and chill about it, like The Fonz. Everybody loves The Fonz, so let’s be cool like The Fonz and we’re all going to make sure that this place won’t jump the shark like The Fonz.
Again, it’s all about trust and hopefully y’all will trust me and the rest of the wonderful crew over here to make sure that we’ll continue to keep this place a great spot for you and all Braves fans across the internet. I’m looking forward to what the future holds and hopefully we’ll have a win to talk about on Tuesday night against the Phillies!
<img alt="Hank Aaron and Brother Tommy Aaron Crossing Bats" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/tIeU4cV6FALb3AwZgf-z3SNKgh0=/0x1092:2862x3000/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73531528/515585586.0.jpg">
It’s time to let you know about a change in leadership for the website going forward. If you’re a reader of the Braves Mailbag that Kris Willis has regularly posted on here, then you may have caught that Kris dropped a bit of a bombshell near the end of the most recent mailbag. For posterity’s sake, I’ll quote it over here but also I’ll go ahead and link the entire post since it’s a good one, as usual:
Writing these mailbags has been one of the most fun things I have done on the site over the last couple of years. However, this is going to be my last one. Last month I was promoted to Editorial Manager for baseball at SB Nation. That means I am now responsible for all of the baseball team sites. That also means that there is going to be a new Producer in place for Battery Power soon.
I added the emphasis in the quote since that’s what I’m here to talk about. Effective today, I am now the Team Site Producer for Battery Power. As a fan who started out reading this website well over a decade ago as a way to pass time before (and after) college classes, it’s honestly a dream come true to be trusted with keeping this wonderful community going into the future.
That’s also how I’ll be approaching this when it comes to overseeing the day-to-day operations of this blog. I hope that y’all will trust that we’ll continue to bring y’all the best independent coverage of the Atlanta Braves that you can find on the internet and I trust that y’all will continue to show up for us like you have time and time again in the past. I’m grateful for everybody who has ever clicked on an article of mine and any article on this website in general. This place doesn’t exist without readers like you and your support means the world to me and everybody else who writes here.
We’re all trying to come together and make this a cool spot for Braves fans to come together talk ball — whether things are going well like for the past few seasons or we’re in the midst of a season like this one where we’re wondering what in the world did the Braves do to anger the baseball gods in terms of this season’s rotten injury luck. Through thick and thin, this place has remained a constant part of my Braves fandom and it’s obvious that a lot of you feel the same way in terms of continuing to come and visit the spot. Whether it’s to celebrate another big win or to come on here to vent, I definitely appreciate having this place around and I’m very excited to have an even more active role in keeping this place going strong.
Obviously, the big question that I’d be thinking of if I was strictly a reader would be “How does this change the site going forward?” For now (and probably the future), it doesn’t change a lot. We’re still going to give you wall-to-wall Braves coverage, all of the writers and voices that you’ve grown used to hearing from and reading around here are still going to be here and we’re all committed to keeping this blog going strong for the business end of this season and beyond. If there are any major changes to be made going forward, we’ll let you know about it and try to be as transparent as possible but also if I were you, I wouldn’t be looking for anything major to change in the near future. You know what you’re coming here for, we know what you’re coming here for and we’re going to keep on giving it to you for the foreseeable future.
If you’ve got any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. I’ll be camping out in the comments for a bit in order to answer any questions that y’all may have. Also if you’ve got any questions that you want to ask me on my socials, feel free to hit me up over on X Twitter and I’ll try to get back to you whenever I can. If you go that route then all I ask is that you be cool and chill about it, like The Fonz. Everybody loves The Fonz, so let’s be cool like The Fonz and we’re all going to make sure that this place won’t jump the shark like The Fonz.
Again, it’s all about trust and hopefully y’all will trust me and the rest of the wonderful crew over here to make sure that we’ll continue to keep this place a great spot for you and all Braves fans across the internet. I’m looking forward to what the future holds and hopefully we’ll have a win to talk about on Tuesday night against the Phillies!
Link to original article