<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Los Angeles Angels" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/--p-jVQPA28UKEjGZjyq6emtLE0=/0x0:4547x3031/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73529123/2167215497.0.jpg">
Photo by Orlando Ramirez/Getty Images
The Braves will go for a series win Sunday against the Angels The Atlanta Braves will try to make it two straight wins Sunday when they wrap up a three-game series against the Los Angeles Angels. Charlie Morton will gets the start for the Braves while Jack Kochanowicz will be on the mound for the Angels
First pitch is scheduled for 4:07 p.m. ET and can be seen on Bally Sports Southeast.
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Los Angeles Angels" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/--p-jVQPA28UKEjGZjyq6emtLE0=/0x0:4547x3031/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73529123/2167215497.0.jpg">
Photo by Orlando Ramirez/Getty Images
The Braves will go for a series win Sunday against the Angels The Atlanta Braves will try to make it two straight wins Sunday when they wrap up a three-game series against the Los Angeles Angels. Charlie Morton will gets the start for the Braves while Jack Kochanowicz will be on the mound for the Angels
First pitch is scheduled for 4:07 p.m. ET and can be seen on Bally Sports Southeast.
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