<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Los Angeles Angels" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/6ySh82m8CqvGDNYB9pNqwpUrqro=/0x132:2929x2085/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73528986/2167173619.0.jpg">
Photo by Orlando Ramirez/Getty Images
Sean Murphy, who recently hit fifth, is now hitting eighth The Sean Murphy spot in the batting order saga continues on Sunday in the series finale against the Angels: Murphy, who recently hit fifth for the first time in a while earlier in this series, is now hitting eighth. I don’t get it. Maybe there’s nothing to get.
Rounding out the road trip!#BravesCountry pic.twitter.com/KSoLtjAFhF— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) August 18, 2024
Murphy most recently hit eighth in the blowout in San Francisco on Wednesday, so it’s not like this is unheard of for him. It’s just strange that he was hitting fifth as recently as Friday, against a righty, and now he’s suddenly hitting eighth, also against a righty.
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Los Angeles Angels" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/6ySh82m8CqvGDNYB9pNqwpUrqro=/0x132:2929x2085/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73528986/2167173619.0.jpg">
Photo by Orlando Ramirez/Getty Images
Sean Murphy, who recently hit fifth, is now hitting eighth The Sean Murphy spot in the batting order saga continues on Sunday in the series finale against the Angels: Murphy, who recently hit fifth for the first time in a while earlier in this series, is now hitting eighth. I don’t get it. Maybe there’s nothing to get.
Rounding out the road trip!#BravesCountry pic.twitter.com/KSoLtjAFhF— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) August 18, 2024
Murphy most recently hit eighth in the blowout in San Francisco on Wednesday, so it’s not like this is unheard of for him. It’s just strange that he was hitting fifth as recently as Friday, against a righty, and now he’s suddenly hitting eighth, also against a righty.
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