<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at San Francisco Giants" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/g0m7FCEADWu-9vmgWLh1ltQWVJo=/0x0:2231x1487/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73524138/usa_today_24001433.0.jpg">
Michael Harris came back in grand fashion | D. Ross Cameron-USA TODAY Sports
Braves look to sweep Giants in game four of the series The Atlanta Braves are on a three game winning streak and are looking for a four game series sweep of the San Francisco Giants this afternoon as Max Fried takes the mound.
Fried has struggled since he has returned from his injury. In four starts since he came back mid-July, he has pitched 20.1 innings to a 6.64 ERA, 5.10 FIP, and hitters have slashed .310/.400/.471 against him. Fried also took four starts to shake off rust to start the season after being out an extended period of time.
If Fried can be his normal self, the Braves have an advantage since only one player on the Giants has an OPS above .534, and only one player has an average over .200.
If the Braves offense can stay hot, and Fried can pitch like Fried, the Braves could be heading off to face the Angels tomorrow on a four game winning streak.
First pitch is at 3:45 ET
Game Notes
<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at San Francisco Giants" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/g0m7FCEADWu-9vmgWLh1ltQWVJo=/0x0:2231x1487/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73524138/usa_today_24001433.0.jpg">
Michael Harris came back in grand fashion | D. Ross Cameron-USA TODAY Sports
Braves look to sweep Giants in game four of the series The Atlanta Braves are on a three game winning streak and are looking for a four game series sweep of the San Francisco Giants this afternoon as Max Fried takes the mound.
Fried has struggled since he has returned from his injury. In four starts since he came back mid-July, he has pitched 20.1 innings to a 6.64 ERA, 5.10 FIP, and hitters have slashed .310/.400/.471 against him. Fried also took four starts to shake off rust to start the season after being out an extended period of time.
If Fried can be his normal self, the Braves have an advantage since only one player on the Giants has an OPS above .534, and only one player has an average over .200.
If the Braves offense can stay hot, and Fried can pitch like Fried, the Braves could be heading off to face the Angels tomorrow on a four game winning streak.
First pitch is at 3:45 ET
Game Notes
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