<img alt="2024 All-Star Futures Game" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/D_DTSn6WNWF7apue-o_xcMJc2uU=/0x0:7185x4790/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73520916/2161344207.0.jpg">
Drake Baldwin | Photo by Sam Hodde/MLB Photos via Getty Images
In a bit of a surprise the three Braves to make the list aren’t exactly who you would think or in the order you might expect. ESPN’s Kiley McDaniel released his updated Top 100 prospect list and it featured three prospects from the Atlanta Braves among it. This is the first true update to the Top 100 since the preseason and includes players recently taken in the 2024 MLB Draft, so it is a shakeup from the list we saw before the season.
In the preseason list, the Braves had one prospect in Hurston Waldrep who came in at No. 77 overall. The updated list has all three Atlanta prospects in the 50 Future Value tier. Drake Baldwin comes in at No. 44 and Kiley notes how he’s taken a step forward with the bat and has jumped from his 125th rated prospect in the preseason. Nacho Alvarez landed at No. 78 while Hurston Waldrep dropped to No. 98.
No other Braves prospects were listed in the five honorable mentions or among the 19 additional players that were listed as notable risers who have jumped into the Top 150, but we also don’t get to see 26 names that are ranked somewhere between 106-150. So while there is no mention of AJ Smith-Shawver or recent draftee Cam Caminiti, it isn’t impossible to think that they could be in that conversation.
Note that Spencer Schwellenbach is not on this list due to the fact that he has surpassed his rookie eligibility, and that makes him ineligible for inclusion according to the rules for the list that were laid out.
<img alt="2024 All-Star Futures Game" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/D_DTSn6WNWF7apue-o_xcMJc2uU=/0x0:7185x4790/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73520916/2161344207.0.jpg">
Drake Baldwin | Photo by Sam Hodde/MLB Photos via Getty Images
In a bit of a surprise the three Braves to make the list aren’t exactly who you would think or in the order you might expect. ESPN’s Kiley McDaniel released his updated Top 100 prospect list and it featured three prospects from the Atlanta Braves among it. This is the first true update to the Top 100 since the preseason and includes players recently taken in the 2024 MLB Draft, so it is a shakeup from the list we saw before the season.
In the preseason list, the Braves had one prospect in Hurston Waldrep who came in at No. 77 overall. The updated list has all three Atlanta prospects in the 50 Future Value tier. Drake Baldwin comes in at No. 44 and Kiley notes how he’s taken a step forward with the bat and has jumped from his 125th rated prospect in the preseason. Nacho Alvarez landed at No. 78 while Hurston Waldrep dropped to No. 98.
No other Braves prospects were listed in the five honorable mentions or among the 19 additional players that were listed as notable risers who have jumped into the Top 150, but we also don’t get to see 26 names that are ranked somewhere between 106-150. So while there is no mention of AJ Smith-Shawver or recent draftee Cam Caminiti, it isn’t impossible to think that they could be in that conversation.
Note that Spencer Schwellenbach is not on this list due to the fact that he has surpassed his rookie eligibility, and that makes him ineligible for inclusion according to the rules for the list that were laid out.
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