<img alt="MLB: OCT 09 NLDS - Phillies at Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/353Evn8z-KUFtOjgZwMM7fvOZL8=/0x0:3600x2400/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73496223/1715816732.0.jpg">
Photo by Jeff Robinson/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
The October playoff schedule has arrived. Major League Baseball has released their postseason schedule for the 2024 season, with a new wrinkle added in.
<img alt=" " data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/KaQS1LOWd7oVH2z1tQn17TgInLE=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25555692/Screen_Shot_2024_08_01_at_1.24.11_PM.png">
MLB Postseason Calendar
The last day of the regular season ends on September 29th, followed by a day off before the Wild Card round begins. It’s important to remember MLB doesn't break ties with game 163 anymore but instead uses tiebreakers built in to the regular season schedule.
The Wild Card round is Tuesday October 1st-Thursday October 3rd, followed by an off-day before the Division Series begins.
Saturday October 5th is when the Division Series begins in both leagues, and goes throughout the rest of that week, with off-days matching up with travel days.
The Championship Series runs from October 13th-October 22nd, assuming both series go 7 games. This is where the new twist comes into play.
A note here: If both Championship Series end within five games, the World Series would instead run from Oct. 22 to 30, preventing long layoffs for the two pennant winners.— Alden González (@Alden_Gonzalez) August 1, 2024
If either Championship Series goes more than 5 games, the World Series will start on October 25th, as scheduled. But if both series end in 5 games or sooner, the World Series starts on October 22nd, stopping the scenario where both teams have advanced but have to sit around for a week waiting for the schedule to catch up.
Hopefully all of this will matter quite a bit for Braves fans.
<img alt="MLB: OCT 09 NLDS - Phillies at Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/353Evn8z-KUFtOjgZwMM7fvOZL8=/0x0:3600x2400/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73496223/1715816732.0.jpg">
Photo by Jeff Robinson/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
The October playoff schedule has arrived. Major League Baseball has released their postseason schedule for the 2024 season, with a new wrinkle added in.
<img alt=" " data-mask-text="false" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/KaQS1LOWd7oVH2z1tQn17TgInLE=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25555692/Screen_Shot_2024_08_01_at_1.24.11_PM.png">
MLB Postseason Calendar
The last day of the regular season ends on September 29th, followed by a day off before the Wild Card round begins. It’s important to remember MLB doesn't break ties with game 163 anymore but instead uses tiebreakers built in to the regular season schedule.
The Wild Card round is Tuesday October 1st-Thursday October 3rd, followed by an off-day before the Division Series begins.
Saturday October 5th is when the Division Series begins in both leagues, and goes throughout the rest of that week, with off-days matching up with travel days.
The Championship Series runs from October 13th-October 22nd, assuming both series go 7 games. This is where the new twist comes into play.
A note here: If both Championship Series end within five games, the World Series would instead run from Oct. 22 to 30, preventing long layoffs for the two pennant winners.— Alden González (@Alden_Gonzalez) August 1, 2024
If either Championship Series goes more than 5 games, the World Series will start on October 25th, as scheduled. But if both series end in 5 games or sooner, the World Series starts on October 22nd, stopping the scenario where both teams have advanced but have to sit around for a week waiting for the schedule to catch up.
Hopefully all of this will matter quite a bit for Braves fans.
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