<img alt="MLB: World Series-Atlanta Braves Championship Parade" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/3jP4xkTeb9G2LfcsCnEC5K9uGRI=/0x157:3412x2432/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73493634/usa_today_17099178.0.jpg">
2021 World Series MVP is back | Brett Davis-USA TODAY Sports
The Braves look to take a series win against the Brewers as Soler makes his reunion debut The Atlanta Braves are facing the Brewers in the series finale before the Braves head back home to face a depleted Marlins team.
One thing is for sure, the Braves should not look to far in the future and focus on this game. Freddy Peralta has arguably had success against the Braves with only Austin Riley standing out with his 1.431 OPS in eight at-bats against him.
Peralta will be facing off against the Braves’ Cy Young candidate Chris Sale in the rubber match.
The Braves have gained two and a half games on the Phillies this month. Here is to hoping they can gain another this afternoon.
First pitch is at 2:10 ET
Game Notes
<img alt="MLB: World Series-Atlanta Braves Championship Parade" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/3jP4xkTeb9G2LfcsCnEC5K9uGRI=/0x157:3412x2432/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73493634/usa_today_17099178.0.jpg">
2021 World Series MVP is back | Brett Davis-USA TODAY Sports
The Braves look to take a series win against the Brewers as Soler makes his reunion debut The Atlanta Braves are facing the Brewers in the series finale before the Braves head back home to face a depleted Marlins team.
One thing is for sure, the Braves should not look to far in the future and focus on this game. Freddy Peralta has arguably had success against the Braves with only Austin Riley standing out with his 1.431 OPS in eight at-bats against him.
Peralta will be facing off against the Braves’ Cy Young candidate Chris Sale in the rubber match.
The Braves have gained two and a half games on the Phillies this month. Here is to hoping they can gain another this afternoon.
First pitch is at 2:10 ET
Game Notes
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