<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Tampa Bay Rays" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/S4lPYBHLduAWHV6rGq5dnGXEzGo=/0x0:4300x2867/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73480825/2148006730.0.jpg">
Photo by George Kubas/Diamond Images via Getty Images
Both pitchers make a return trip to Gwinnett after coming to Atlanta earlier today. The Atlanta Braves made a late evening set of roster moves returning Daysbel Hernández to Gwinnett and also optioning Zach Logue to the Stripers.
The #Braves tonight returned RHP Daysbel Hernández to Triple-A Gwinnett and optioned LHP Zach Logue to the Stripers.— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) July 25, 2024
Hernandez was brought up as the 27th man for today’s double-header against the Cincinnati Reds, the second game of which was rained out. The right handed reliever has pitched in nine games this season with Atlanta and has yet to yield a run in 9.2 innings.
Logue was added to the 40-man roster when the Braves moved Michael Harris II to the 60-day IL earlier today and after they optioned Allan Winans back to Triple-A after his start in game one of today’s scheduled double-dip.
Logue has pitched in 19 games for the Stripers this season, including making 11 starts. He pitched in three game last year for the Detroit Tigers and made 14 appearances for the Oakland A’s in 2022 including 10 starts.
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Tampa Bay Rays" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/S4lPYBHLduAWHV6rGq5dnGXEzGo=/0x0:4300x2867/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73480825/2148006730.0.jpg">
Photo by George Kubas/Diamond Images via Getty Images
Both pitchers make a return trip to Gwinnett after coming to Atlanta earlier today. The Atlanta Braves made a late evening set of roster moves returning Daysbel Hernández to Gwinnett and also optioning Zach Logue to the Stripers.
The #Braves tonight returned RHP Daysbel Hernández to Triple-A Gwinnett and optioned LHP Zach Logue to the Stripers.— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) July 25, 2024
Hernandez was brought up as the 27th man for today’s double-header against the Cincinnati Reds, the second game of which was rained out. The right handed reliever has pitched in nine games this season with Atlanta and has yet to yield a run in 9.2 innings.
Logue was added to the 40-man roster when the Braves moved Michael Harris II to the 60-day IL earlier today and after they optioned Allan Winans back to Triple-A after his start in game one of today’s scheduled double-dip.
Logue has pitched in 19 games for the Stripers this season, including making 11 starts. He pitched in three game last year for the Detroit Tigers and made 14 appearances for the Oakland A’s in 2022 including 10 starts.
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