<img alt="Boston Red Sox v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/NyUJ-_r0k0c1u6eKZghr7cV1waI=/0x0:3648x2432/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73476367/2144467462.0.jpg">
Photo by George Kubas/Diamond Images via Getty Images
A post draft look at the best Atlanta Braves prospects. it is time once again for us to roll out another Top 30 Atlanta Braves prospects list. It has already been an exciting season for the Braves farm system, with each of our top three prospects from the preseason getting major league call ups. With the MLB draft now in the rearview mirror there has been a fresh influx of talent into the system. Thus this is the strongest list the Braves have had since the Matt Olson trade at the beginning of 2022. There are as many as four players that we think should be in top 100 consideration.
This list is a composited ranking of myself (Garrett Spain) and the crew that covers the minor leagues of Gaurav Vedak, Brady Petree, and Matt Powers. We each differ pretty significantly in our rankings, though I can say there is a distinct top nine guys in the system. Thus, the system should be seen as more of a series of tiers rather than hard-and-fast rankings, and we expect you to have differences in your own personal opinions. This will be the first list featuring the international free agents of the January period, which is only Jose Perdomo, and also features the recent draftees. There has only been one graduation so far this season, as Spencer Schwellenbach hit the 50 innings mark on Sunday.
Prospects 25-30
Honorable Mentions
- Sabin Ceballos - 3B26. Garrett Baumann - RHP27. Isaiah Drake - CF28. Luis De Avila - LHP29. Ambioris Tavarez - SS30. Allan Winans - RHP
Honorable Mentions
Ian Mejia - RHPMario Baez - SSNick Montgomery - CJunior Garcia - OFLuis Vargas - RHPRobert Gonzalez - OF
<img alt="Boston Red Sox v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/NyUJ-_r0k0c1u6eKZghr7cV1waI=/0x0:3648x2432/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73476367/2144467462.0.jpg">
Photo by George Kubas/Diamond Images via Getty Images
A post draft look at the best Atlanta Braves prospects. it is time once again for us to roll out another Top 30 Atlanta Braves prospects list. It has already been an exciting season for the Braves farm system, with each of our top three prospects from the preseason getting major league call ups. With the MLB draft now in the rearview mirror there has been a fresh influx of talent into the system. Thus this is the strongest list the Braves have had since the Matt Olson trade at the beginning of 2022. There are as many as four players that we think should be in top 100 consideration.
This list is a composited ranking of myself (Garrett Spain) and the crew that covers the minor leagues of Gaurav Vedak, Brady Petree, and Matt Powers. We each differ pretty significantly in our rankings, though I can say there is a distinct top nine guys in the system. Thus, the system should be seen as more of a series of tiers rather than hard-and-fast rankings, and we expect you to have differences in your own personal opinions. This will be the first list featuring the international free agents of the January period, which is only Jose Perdomo, and also features the recent draftees. There has only been one graduation so far this season, as Spencer Schwellenbach hit the 50 innings mark on Sunday.
Prospects 25-30
Honorable Mentions
- Sabin Ceballos - 3B26. Garrett Baumann - RHP27. Isaiah Drake - CF28. Luis De Avila - LHP29. Ambioris Tavarez - SS30. Allan Winans - RHP
Honorable Mentions
Ian Mejia - RHPMario Baez - SSNick Montgomery - CJunior Garcia - OFLuis Vargas - RHPRobert Gonzalez - OF
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