<img alt="Tampa Bay Rays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/H9-NxQZ0RWWi4gkpdiky2PKuysY=/0x0:5269x3513/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73475406/2036203847.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves/Getty Images
Good luck, young man. Let’s get right to it: Nacho Alvarez Jr. is hitting second and playing second base in his major league debut. Good luck, godspeed, and so on and so forth.
Nacho normal lineup #BravesCountry pic.twitter.com/yG7nktwoEP— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) July 22, 2024
Adam Duvall also returns after a one-game absence.
The Reds have a lineup that looks like this, putting their biggest offensive threats in the top two spots of the order:
Monday night in Atlanta. Powered by @PNCBank pic.twitter.com/IoyB52yhYe— Cincinnati Reds (@Reds) July 22, 2024
It’s a new lineup for the Reds; they’ve actually never had this starting nine before. As mentioned in the series preview, Noelvi Marte and Will Benson are two guys that have had really awful seasons to date, so there’s some chance for Reynaldo Lopez to get a breather at the bottom of the Cincinnati attack before he has to go to work and figure out how to get Jonathan India and Elly de la Cruz out again.
<img alt="Tampa Bay Rays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/H9-NxQZ0RWWi4gkpdiky2PKuysY=/0x0:5269x3513/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73475406/2036203847.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves/Getty Images
Good luck, young man. Let’s get right to it: Nacho Alvarez Jr. is hitting second and playing second base in his major league debut. Good luck, godspeed, and so on and so forth.
Nacho normal lineup #BravesCountry pic.twitter.com/yG7nktwoEP— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) July 22, 2024
Adam Duvall also returns after a one-game absence.
The Reds have a lineup that looks like this, putting their biggest offensive threats in the top two spots of the order:
Monday night in Atlanta. Powered by @PNCBank pic.twitter.com/IoyB52yhYe— Cincinnati Reds (@Reds) July 22, 2024
It’s a new lineup for the Reds; they’ve actually never had this starting nine before. As mentioned in the series preview, Noelvi Marte and Will Benson are two guys that have had really awful seasons to date, so there’s some chance for Reynaldo Lopez to get a breather at the bottom of the Cincinnati attack before he has to go to work and figure out how to get Jonathan India and Elly de la Cruz out again.
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