<img alt="Braves Fest" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/nfPy5Wog2a2pbOKQUZ_E3LRtpHk=/0x0:7749x5166/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73474804/1963633133.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves
We are looking for some passionate Battery Power users to help test a new app. Hello everyone!
Community has always been a focus for Battery Power and we are in the process of trying new ways to connect fans with a new user experience.
We recently launched an experimental Battery Power mobile app to a few of our loyal users. Now we are ready to open that test up further to more Battery Power users.
If you have an iPhone running the latest version of iOS and would like to test the app, please fill out this form and you’ll be in line to get access!
This is an early test and the experience may change as we get feedback. We are looking for people to test the experience and tell us how it feels to you, what is missing and what we can do better.
If you are interested, fill out the form to sign up. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.
<img alt="Braves Fest" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/nfPy5Wog2a2pbOKQUZ_E3LRtpHk=/0x0:7749x5166/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73474804/1963633133.0.jpg">
Photo by Matthew Grimes Jr./Atlanta Braves
We are looking for some passionate Battery Power users to help test a new app. Hello everyone!
Community has always been a focus for Battery Power and we are in the process of trying new ways to connect fans with a new user experience.
We recently launched an experimental Battery Power mobile app to a few of our loyal users. Now we are ready to open that test up further to more Battery Power users.
If you have an iPhone running the latest version of iOS and would like to test the app, please fill out this form and you’ll be in line to get access!
This is an early test and the experience may change as we get feedback. We are looking for people to test the experience and tell us how it feels to you, what is missing and what we can do better.
If you are interested, fill out the form to sign up. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.
Link to original article