<img alt="St. Louis Cardinals v Atlanta Braves - Game One" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/qUoB_0C_wmvQjolHIQRNITQhlvk=/0x0:2800x1867/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73473319/2162188716.0.jpg">
Photo by Brett Davis/Getty Images
After a rain postponement Friday and a split doubleheader Saturday, the Braves and Cardinals wrap up their series this afternoon, still looking to determine the winner. Miles Mikolas and Spencer Schwellenbach is the pitching matchup, which seems like a small edge to the Braves. Read more about the pitchers in the game preview here. Check out the lineups here, featuring one notable addition for the Braves here.
Today’s game starts at 1:35 PM ET in Atlanta and can be viewed on Bally Sports Southeast, as well as MLB.tv for out of market viewers.
<img alt="St. Louis Cardinals v Atlanta Braves - Game One" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/qUoB_0C_wmvQjolHIQRNITQhlvk=/0x0:2800x1867/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73473319/2162188716.0.jpg">
Photo by Brett Davis/Getty Images
After a rain postponement Friday and a split doubleheader Saturday, the Braves and Cardinals wrap up their series this afternoon, still looking to determine the winner. Miles Mikolas and Spencer Schwellenbach is the pitching matchup, which seems like a small edge to the Braves. Read more about the pitchers in the game preview here. Check out the lineups here, featuring one notable addition for the Braves here.
Today’s game starts at 1:35 PM ET in Atlanta and can be viewed on Bally Sports Southeast, as well as MLB.tv for out of market viewers.
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