<img alt="St. Louis Cardinals v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/hn5kiBSrhq36WLbj3rzPVoGZcME=/0x0:5779x3853/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73471466/2162062014.0.jpg">
Photo by Todd Kirkland/Getty Images
With that being said, the weather forecast is looking very sketchy for Saturday as well For the second time this season (and in as many months), the Atlanta Braves and St. Louis Cardinals have been rained out — this time in the Atlanta metro area. The two teams are now scheduled to play their second doubleheader against each other in a split doubleheader — the first game will start at 1 P.M. and the nightcap is still scheduled to start at 7:20 P.M. E.T. as usual.
Tonight’s game against the St. Louis Cardinals has been postponed due to inclement weather. We had been hopeful that we would find conditions suitable to play; however, after further consultation with the weather service, radar indicates unsuitable conditions for starting the…— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) July 20, 2024
Spencer Schwellenbach's start has been pushed to Sunday, Charlie Morton is now scheduled to start Game 1 of tomorrow's doubleheader and now Bryce Elder will be getting the start for the nightcap. As David O'Brien mentions below, the move won't officially be made until after Game 1.
For Saturday's doubleheader, #Braves will start Charlie Morton in game 1 and Bryce Elder in game 2, with Spencer Schwellenbach moving back to Sunday's series finale. Elder won't be officially added until after the first game.— David O'Brien (@DOBrienATL) July 20, 2024
With that being said, things start to get a bit sketchy when you look at the forecast for tomorrow. As of right now according to AccuWeather, there's a 98 percent chance of rain at Truist Park during sunlight tomorrow — the chances are at 86 percent during the window for the day game and 44 percent once we get into the evening. It's been rainy and stormy here all week and it appears that this weekend is no exception. Either way, it's looking like we'll all have to keep one eye on the weather while keeping the other eye on whether or not baseball will be played. Hopefully they'll be able to fit it in so that this doesn't cause any further scheduling conflicts down the road!
We'll have further updates as far as roster changes go later on tonight and/or tomorrow morning, so make sure to keep an eye on both this blog and our socials. For now, find yourself a game on MLB.tv since it's free this weekend and enjoy yourself while hoping that the weather will cooperate and allow the Braves to find a window to fit in this doubleheader tomorrow.
<img alt="St. Louis Cardinals v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/hn5kiBSrhq36WLbj3rzPVoGZcME=/0x0:5779x3853/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73471466/2162062014.0.jpg">
Photo by Todd Kirkland/Getty Images
With that being said, the weather forecast is looking very sketchy for Saturday as well For the second time this season (and in as many months), the Atlanta Braves and St. Louis Cardinals have been rained out — this time in the Atlanta metro area. The two teams are now scheduled to play their second doubleheader against each other in a split doubleheader — the first game will start at 1 P.M. and the nightcap is still scheduled to start at 7:20 P.M. E.T. as usual.
Tonight’s game against the St. Louis Cardinals has been postponed due to inclement weather. We had been hopeful that we would find conditions suitable to play; however, after further consultation with the weather service, radar indicates unsuitable conditions for starting the…— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) July 20, 2024
Spencer Schwellenbach's start has been pushed to Sunday, Charlie Morton is now scheduled to start Game 1 of tomorrow's doubleheader and now Bryce Elder will be getting the start for the nightcap. As David O'Brien mentions below, the move won't officially be made until after Game 1.
For Saturday's doubleheader, #Braves will start Charlie Morton in game 1 and Bryce Elder in game 2, with Spencer Schwellenbach moving back to Sunday's series finale. Elder won't be officially added until after the first game.— David O'Brien (@DOBrienATL) July 20, 2024
With that being said, things start to get a bit sketchy when you look at the forecast for tomorrow. As of right now according to AccuWeather, there's a 98 percent chance of rain at Truist Park during sunlight tomorrow — the chances are at 86 percent during the window for the day game and 44 percent once we get into the evening. It's been rainy and stormy here all week and it appears that this weekend is no exception. Either way, it's looking like we'll all have to keep one eye on the weather while keeping the other eye on whether or not baseball will be played. Hopefully they'll be able to fit it in so that this doesn't cause any further scheduling conflicts down the road!
We'll have further updates as far as roster changes go later on tonight and/or tomorrow morning, so make sure to keep an eye on both this blog and our socials. For now, find yourself a game on MLB.tv since it's free this weekend and enjoy yourself while hoping that the weather will cooperate and allow the Braves to find a window to fit in this doubleheader tomorrow.
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