<img alt="New England Patriots v Atlanta Falcons" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/zSqjUPsyGsQelqNzwfjDbh6hhT4=/0x0:4119x2746/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73468653/1602062779.0.jpg">
Photo by Kevin Sabitus/Getty Images
The Falcons will provide an early Christmas present for fans, along with a couple of early fall dates. If you love the throwback uniforms, you’ll be delighted to hear that the Atlanta Falcons will be wearing them three times during the 2024 season. If you don’t like the throwbacks, well, I still like you, regardless of your taste in such things.
The Falcons announced they’ll rock the red helmeted throwbacks on September 29th against the Saints, quickly turn around and wear the all-black throwbacks against the Buccaneers on October 3rd, and then bring the red helmets back again for the December 22 matchup against the Giants.
Bringing back the throwbacks pic.twitter.com/DqKDnHYREw— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) July 18, 2024
Two throwbacks in a week is a surprising stretch, albeit a welcome one against a pair of divisional rivals. Atlanta threw on the red helmets three times in 2023 and won two of those games (against the Packers and Saints) and lost a discouraging effort against the Commanders, if you’re of the mind that the uniform the team wears has any bearing on their on-field success. Personally, I just think they look neat.
There has been a slow but steady roll for teams bringing back their throwbacks, including the Jaguars unveiling their 90s teal uniforms earlier today, and I keep hope alive as a child of the era that we’ll see teams ditch their more recent uniforms for the best run of uniforms in NFL history on a full-time basis. For the moment, we’ll just hope the Falcons look good and win big during those three weeks, especially against the hated Saints and disrespected Buccaneers.
<img alt="New England Patriots v Atlanta Falcons" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/zSqjUPsyGsQelqNzwfjDbh6hhT4=/0x0:4119x2746/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73468653/1602062779.0.jpg">
Photo by Kevin Sabitus/Getty Images
The Falcons will provide an early Christmas present for fans, along with a couple of early fall dates. If you love the throwback uniforms, you’ll be delighted to hear that the Atlanta Falcons will be wearing them three times during the 2024 season. If you don’t like the throwbacks, well, I still like you, regardless of your taste in such things.
The Falcons announced they’ll rock the red helmeted throwbacks on September 29th against the Saints, quickly turn around and wear the all-black throwbacks against the Buccaneers on October 3rd, and then bring the red helmets back again for the December 22 matchup against the Giants.
Bringing back the throwbacks pic.twitter.com/DqKDnHYREw— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) July 18, 2024
Two throwbacks in a week is a surprising stretch, albeit a welcome one against a pair of divisional rivals. Atlanta threw on the red helmets three times in 2023 and won two of those games (against the Packers and Saints) and lost a discouraging effort against the Commanders, if you’re of the mind that the uniform the team wears has any bearing on their on-field success. Personally, I just think they look neat.
There has been a slow but steady roll for teams bringing back their throwbacks, including the Jaguars unveiling their 90s teal uniforms earlier today, and I keep hope alive as a child of the era that we’ll see teams ditch their more recent uniforms for the best run of uniforms in NFL history on a full-time basis. For the moment, we’ll just hope the Falcons look good and win big during those three weeks, especially against the hated Saints and disrespected Buccaneers.
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