<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Colorado Rockies" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/8wFzpb7XpNnu6Z3XHSVvk62g7hU=/0x0:4706x3137/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73457954/1662784233.0.jpg">
Photo by Tyler Schank/Clarkson Creative/Getty Images
Doughty is a rising prospect, ranked No. 36 on Pipeline’s big board Jim Callis posted an interesting mock draft over at MLB Pipeline, though the results for Atlanta are fare from out of the ordinary. Callis has the Atlanta Braves taking Chapparal High School pitcher Braylon Doughty 24th overall, a pick which has been floated quite often and who the Battery Power guys would be pleased with. Doughty is a pretty typical pick for the Braves, as a somewhat undersized righty with a carrying fastball into the mid-90’s and a power slider. He has solid athleticism and is mentioned as having a high makeup, and would be a welcome addition to the organization in any case.
However, how the draft shapes up in front of Atlanta is frustrating to say the least if it were to come to fruition. The Braves have been connected to a handful of guys they hope can slide down to No. 24, and recently we’ve heard Wake Forest’s Seaver King, Iowa’s Brody Brecht, and Westlake High School’s Theo Gillen as players they would be interested to see.
I’m actually skeptical Gillen and King make it this deep into the draft, but someone has to fall and Callis has King going at 20 and Brecht/Gillen going 22 and 23. As much as I do like Braylon Doughty, and even if the signing bonuses were the same would prefer him straight up to a guy like Jurrangelo Cijntje (projected 15th here), it would be pretty brutal to see three guys that I’m very high on get run right before Atlanta picks. That is, however, the consequence of being good and picking behind teams like the Orioles and the Dodgers who often look for similar profiles in amateur prospects.
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Colorado Rockies" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/8wFzpb7XpNnu6Z3XHSVvk62g7hU=/0x0:4706x3137/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73457954/1662784233.0.jpg">
Photo by Tyler Schank/Clarkson Creative/Getty Images
Doughty is a rising prospect, ranked No. 36 on Pipeline’s big board Jim Callis posted an interesting mock draft over at MLB Pipeline, though the results for Atlanta are fare from out of the ordinary. Callis has the Atlanta Braves taking Chapparal High School pitcher Braylon Doughty 24th overall, a pick which has been floated quite often and who the Battery Power guys would be pleased with. Doughty is a pretty typical pick for the Braves, as a somewhat undersized righty with a carrying fastball into the mid-90’s and a power slider. He has solid athleticism and is mentioned as having a high makeup, and would be a welcome addition to the organization in any case.
However, how the draft shapes up in front of Atlanta is frustrating to say the least if it were to come to fruition. The Braves have been connected to a handful of guys they hope can slide down to No. 24, and recently we’ve heard Wake Forest’s Seaver King, Iowa’s Brody Brecht, and Westlake High School’s Theo Gillen as players they would be interested to see.
I’m actually skeptical Gillen and King make it this deep into the draft, but someone has to fall and Callis has King going at 20 and Brecht/Gillen going 22 and 23. As much as I do like Braylon Doughty, and even if the signing bonuses were the same would prefer him straight up to a guy like Jurrangelo Cijntje (projected 15th here), it would be pretty brutal to see three guys that I’m very high on get run right before Atlanta picks. That is, however, the consequence of being good and picking behind teams like the Orioles and the Dodgers who often look for similar profiles in amateur prospects.
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