<img alt="MLB: Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ielHuznnzW5TNdE8xJ6ssyJcBu4=/0x20:4778x3205/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73457485/usa_today_13142959.0.jpg">
Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports
Underslot, but very intriguing - going with Doughty in the first opens up a few things for the Braves As each hour passes we get one hour closer to the MLB Draft and the mock drafts are going crazy. One simple search of Battery Power shows you the many different players that have been mocked to the Braves and just yesterday FanGraphs dropped their own. They project high school right-hander Braylon Doughty to Atlanta with the 24th pick.
Like the Dodgers, the Braves tend to care about fastball ride and breaking ball quality more than size and projectability. Other clubs think they’re going to take a pitcher here, with Doughty and Ryan Sloan the ones who feel the most like the Braves. This would also be an interesting spot to take Vance Honeycutt and see if you can rework his swing. Idaho high schooler Dax Whitney shares pitch characteristics with Doughty, and there was buzz late last night that Whitney might have a deal in hand with someone.
This is not the first time Doughty has been mocked to the Braves - for many reasons including he fits the profile, and the strategy the Braves have used frequently and that is going underslot in the first to be able to afford a player(s) later in the draft that typically would more expensive.
With Doughty the Braves would get a pitcher with three potential plus pitches with Doughty’s fastball, curveball, and slider as well as a fringe average changeup. Braylon’s stock shot up later in the draft process thanks to some good showings at showcases where he also showed increased velocity. Fangraphs go on to also list Ryan Sloan (HS RHP), Dax Whitney (HS RHP), and Vance Honeycutt (UNC OF) as players that make sense for the Braves at 24.
<img alt="MLB: Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ielHuznnzW5TNdE8xJ6ssyJcBu4=/0x20:4778x3205/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73457485/usa_today_13142959.0.jpg">
Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports
Underslot, but very intriguing - going with Doughty in the first opens up a few things for the Braves As each hour passes we get one hour closer to the MLB Draft and the mock drafts are going crazy. One simple search of Battery Power shows you the many different players that have been mocked to the Braves and just yesterday FanGraphs dropped their own. They project high school right-hander Braylon Doughty to Atlanta with the 24th pick.
Like the Dodgers, the Braves tend to care about fastball ride and breaking ball quality more than size and projectability. Other clubs think they’re going to take a pitcher here, with Doughty and Ryan Sloan the ones who feel the most like the Braves. This would also be an interesting spot to take Vance Honeycutt and see if you can rework his swing. Idaho high schooler Dax Whitney shares pitch characteristics with Doughty, and there was buzz late last night that Whitney might have a deal in hand with someone.
This is not the first time Doughty has been mocked to the Braves - for many reasons including he fits the profile, and the strategy the Braves have used frequently and that is going underslot in the first to be able to afford a player(s) later in the draft that typically would more expensive.
With Doughty the Braves would get a pitcher with three potential plus pitches with Doughty’s fastball, curveball, and slider as well as a fringe average changeup. Braylon’s stock shot up later in the draft process thanks to some good showings at showcases where he also showed increased velocity. Fangraphs go on to also list Ryan Sloan (HS RHP), Dax Whitney (HS RHP), and Vance Honeycutt (UNC OF) as players that make sense for the Braves at 24.
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