<img alt="Tampa Bay Rays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/c0xRJb_B12_2CCldZ-qaITd474w=/0x0:5214x3476/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73414709/2157989562.0.jpg">
Photo by Todd Kirkland/Getty Images
Marcell Ozuna looks like Atlanta’s only position player candidate for the All-Star Game, but the Braves’ have several pitchers that could make the trip to Texas. Welcome to SB Nation Reacts, a survey of fans across the MLB. Throughout the year we ask questions of the most plugged-in Atlanta Braves fans and fans across the country. Sign up here to participate in the weekly emailed surveys.
Major League Baseball released early voting results for the All-Star Game on Monday and predictably, the Atlanta Braves are lagging behind in the results. While it looks like Marcell Ozuna is Atlanta’s best bet on the position player side, they have several pitchers that could earn a nod.
Chris Sale is healthy and pitching as well as he has in a long time. Reynaldo López has successfully made the conversion from the bullpen back to starter and has a 1.69 ERA over his first 12 starts. Max Fried has overcome a slow start and is showing again that he is one of the best pitchers in the league.
This week’s SB Nation Reacts question asks, which Braves pitcher is the most deserving of an All-Star Game nod? There is a chance that two or even all three get selected, but we want to know who Braves’ fans think is the most deserving.
Please take our survey
<img alt="Tampa Bay Rays v Atlanta Braves" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/c0xRJb_B12_2CCldZ-qaITd474w=/0x0:5214x3476/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73414709/2157989562.0.jpg">
Photo by Todd Kirkland/Getty Images
Marcell Ozuna looks like Atlanta’s only position player candidate for the All-Star Game, but the Braves’ have several pitchers that could make the trip to Texas. Welcome to SB Nation Reacts, a survey of fans across the MLB. Throughout the year we ask questions of the most plugged-in Atlanta Braves fans and fans across the country. Sign up here to participate in the weekly emailed surveys.
Major League Baseball released early voting results for the All-Star Game on Monday and predictably, the Atlanta Braves are lagging behind in the results. While it looks like Marcell Ozuna is Atlanta’s best bet on the position player side, they have several pitchers that could earn a nod.
Chris Sale is healthy and pitching as well as he has in a long time. Reynaldo López has successfully made the conversion from the bullpen back to starter and has a 1.69 ERA over his first 12 starts. Max Fried has overcome a slow start and is showing again that he is one of the best pitchers in the league.
This week’s SB Nation Reacts question asks, which Braves pitcher is the most deserving of an All-Star Game nod? There is a chance that two or even all three get selected, but we want to know who Braves’ fans think is the most deserving.
Please take our survey
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