<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at Baltimore Orioles" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ltbRDQR5qpsVMVDvnyHWzAE9nYQ=/4x0:3657x2435/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73413026/usa_today_23525801.0.jpg">
Max Fried to start against the Tigers for first time | Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports
Max Fried set to make his first ever start against the Tigers The Atlanta Braves are at home, facing the Detroit Tigers in the first game of a three-game series. The Braves’ offense has been hotter than they have been all season scoring at least six runs in four straight games for the first time all season.
The Braves will face off against sophomore pitcher Reese Olson who has performed well with a 3.68 ERA, with a 3.62 xERA to back it up. Although Olson does not strikeout a ton of hitters and gives up a ton of hard contact. This could be a recipe for success for the Braves’ style of hitting.
Max Fried will face the Tigers for the first time in his eight-year career. Since April twenty-third, Fried has an ERA of 2.20 and hitters are struggling to a .167 average against him.
Tonight would be a good night to start the first game of a long winning streak.
First pitch is at 7:20 ET.
Game Notes
<img alt="MLB: Atlanta Braves at Baltimore Orioles" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ltbRDQR5qpsVMVDvnyHWzAE9nYQ=/4x0:3657x2435/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73413026/usa_today_23525801.0.jpg">
Max Fried to start against the Tigers for first time | Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports
Max Fried set to make his first ever start against the Tigers The Atlanta Braves are at home, facing the Detroit Tigers in the first game of a three-game series. The Braves’ offense has been hotter than they have been all season scoring at least six runs in four straight games for the first time all season.
The Braves will face off against sophomore pitcher Reese Olson who has performed well with a 3.68 ERA, with a 3.62 xERA to back it up. Although Olson does not strikeout a ton of hitters and gives up a ton of hard contact. This could be a recipe for success for the Braves’ style of hitting.
Max Fried will face the Tigers for the first time in his eight-year career. Since April twenty-third, Fried has an ERA of 2.20 and hitters are struggling to a .167 average against him.
Tonight would be a good night to start the first game of a long winning streak.
First pitch is at 7:20 ET.
Game Notes
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