<img alt="NCAA Baseball: Kentucky Super Regional" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PvYphLoaJ0BTlVkejsDMrCEmrNo=/0x0:3800x2533/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73408183/usa_today_23506111.0.jpg">
Jordan Prather-USA TODAY Sports
All Ryan Waldschmidt did his Junior year was rake to the tune of a 1.107 OPS With the MLB Draft just a month away things are constantly updating as more and more draft information, and pure speculation, runs rampant across baseball. As such, MLB Pipeline has released another mock draft, and this time they have the Braves selecting someone different.
Last mock draft, MLB Pipeline had the Braves taking Mississippi State pitcher Jurrangelo Cijntje, this time they have the Braves picking another SEC player - University of Kentucky outfielder Ryan Waldschmidt. All Ryan did his Junior year was absolutely mash, hitting .346/.473/.634 with 14 homers and 24 stolen bases while striking out 17% and walking 14%.
It is reported that his advanced metrics have him up there with the top 10 hitters in the draft, and as we’ve seen the Braves loving taking players based on these types of metrics. Former Braves front office member, now turned ESPN analyst, Kiley McDaniel also has mocked Ryan to the Braves and has had this to say about him:
He’s perceived to fit more with numbers-oriented clubs, and there’s a lot of those in the back half of the first round.
Project position for Ryan Waldschmidt remains to be seen as he played a lot of third in college but likely won’t factor in the infield as a professional, but the work he’s done his Junior year has lead him from barely being recruited out of high school to now an almost guaranteed first round pick.
<img alt="NCAA Baseball: Kentucky Super Regional" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PvYphLoaJ0BTlVkejsDMrCEmrNo=/0x0:3800x2533/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73408183/usa_today_23506111.0.jpg">
Jordan Prather-USA TODAY Sports
All Ryan Waldschmidt did his Junior year was rake to the tune of a 1.107 OPS With the MLB Draft just a month away things are constantly updating as more and more draft information, and pure speculation, runs rampant across baseball. As such, MLB Pipeline has released another mock draft, and this time they have the Braves selecting someone different.
Last mock draft, MLB Pipeline had the Braves taking Mississippi State pitcher Jurrangelo Cijntje, this time they have the Braves picking another SEC player - University of Kentucky outfielder Ryan Waldschmidt. All Ryan did his Junior year was absolutely mash, hitting .346/.473/.634 with 14 homers and 24 stolen bases while striking out 17% and walking 14%.
It is reported that his advanced metrics have him up there with the top 10 hitters in the draft, and as we’ve seen the Braves loving taking players based on these types of metrics. Former Braves front office member, now turned ESPN analyst, Kiley McDaniel also has mocked Ryan to the Braves and has had this to say about him:
He’s perceived to fit more with numbers-oriented clubs, and there’s a lot of those in the back half of the first round.
Project position for Ryan Waldschmidt remains to be seen as he played a lot of third in college but likely won’t factor in the infield as a professional, but the work he’s done his Junior year has lead him from barely being recruited out of high school to now an almost guaranteed first round pick.
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