<img alt="Warren Spahn baseball feature, 1961" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/GiEszzSYw0PEE22s_DuPk6tD3U0=/0x268:5496x3932/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73407281/1047957260.0.jpg">
Photo by Los Angeles Examiner/USC Libraries/Corbis via Getty Images
Braves Franchise History
1952 - Warren Spahn ties the National League record of 18 strikeouts in a 15 inning, 3-1 loss to the Cubs.
MLB History
1933 - Lou Gehrig and manager Joe McCarthy are ejected. McCarthy is given a three-game suspension but Gehrig isn’t keeping his consecutive games played streak alive at 1,249.
1969 - Reggie Jackson has five hits, including a pair of homers, and drives in 10 in a 21-7 win by the A’s over the Red Sox.
1974 - Nolan Ryan strikes out 19 Red Sox in 13 innings including Cecil Cooper six straight times in a 4-3 Angels win.
1978 - Pete Rose has two hits in a 3-1 Reds win over the Cubs. Those two hits are the beginning of a 44-game hitting streak for Rose.
1996 - Cal Ripken Jr. sets a new consecutive games played record by playing in his 2,216th consecutive game. The previous mark of 2,215 was held by Hiroshima Carp and Sachio Kinugasa of the Japanese Central League.
2003 - Dodgers’ first baseman Fred McGriff records a pair of hits in his return from the injured list. That was the only trip to the IL in McGriff’s 18-year career.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
<img alt="Warren Spahn baseball feature, 1961" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/GiEszzSYw0PEE22s_DuPk6tD3U0=/0x268:5496x3932/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73407281/1047957260.0.jpg">
Photo by Los Angeles Examiner/USC Libraries/Corbis via Getty Images
Braves Franchise History
1952 - Warren Spahn ties the National League record of 18 strikeouts in a 15 inning, 3-1 loss to the Cubs.
MLB History
1933 - Lou Gehrig and manager Joe McCarthy are ejected. McCarthy is given a three-game suspension but Gehrig isn’t keeping his consecutive games played streak alive at 1,249.
1969 - Reggie Jackson has five hits, including a pair of homers, and drives in 10 in a 21-7 win by the A’s over the Red Sox.
1974 - Nolan Ryan strikes out 19 Red Sox in 13 innings including Cecil Cooper six straight times in a 4-3 Angels win.
1978 - Pete Rose has two hits in a 3-1 Reds win over the Cubs. Those two hits are the beginning of a 44-game hitting streak for Rose.
1996 - Cal Ripken Jr. sets a new consecutive games played record by playing in his 2,216th consecutive game. The previous mark of 2,215 was held by Hiroshima Carp and Sachio Kinugasa of the Japanese Central League.
2003 - Dodgers’ first baseman Fred McGriff records a pair of hits in his return from the injured list. That was the only trip to the IL in McGriff’s 18-year career.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
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