<img alt="Milwaukee Braves Spring Training" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/O3iqMnjZPXZ-IV-wwrBCoKK6vBE=/0x75:4800x3275/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73402714/1391470940.0.jpg">
Photo by Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images
Braves Franchise History
1954 - Milwaukee Braves’ pitcher Jim Wilson pitches the season’s only no-hitter in a 2-0 win over the Phillies.
2001 - The Dodgers’ Gary Sheffield becomes the first player in major league history to win three 1-0 games in a season with a home run when he hits a solo shot to beat Atlanta.
2012 - Alex Rodgriguez ties Lou Gehrig with his 23rd career grand slam off Braves reliever Jonny Venters. Nick Swisher adds a two-run shot later in the inning giving the Yankees a 6-4 win.
MLB History
1928 - Lou Gehrig has 14 total bases in a 15-7 Yankees’ win over the White Sox. Gehrig finished with two triples and two homers in the win.
1950 - Major League Baseball names Connie Mack as Honorary manager of the American League in the All-Star Game.
1957 - Stan Musial extends his consecutive games played streak to 823 setting a new National League mark.
1981 - Thirteen games are canceled in the major leagues due to the players’ strike.
1983 - The Detroit Tigers retire the numbers of Charlie Gehringer and Hank Greenberg in a ceremony at Tiger Stadium.
2007 - Justin Verlander throws the sixth no-hitter in Detroit Tigers history against the Brewers.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
<img alt="Milwaukee Braves Spring Training" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/O3iqMnjZPXZ-IV-wwrBCoKK6vBE=/0x75:4800x3275/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73402714/1391470940.0.jpg">
Photo by Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images
Braves Franchise History
1954 - Milwaukee Braves’ pitcher Jim Wilson pitches the season’s only no-hitter in a 2-0 win over the Phillies.
2001 - The Dodgers’ Gary Sheffield becomes the first player in major league history to win three 1-0 games in a season with a home run when he hits a solo shot to beat Atlanta.
2012 - Alex Rodgriguez ties Lou Gehrig with his 23rd career grand slam off Braves reliever Jonny Venters. Nick Swisher adds a two-run shot later in the inning giving the Yankees a 6-4 win.
MLB History
1928 - Lou Gehrig has 14 total bases in a 15-7 Yankees’ win over the White Sox. Gehrig finished with two triples and two homers in the win.
1950 - Major League Baseball names Connie Mack as Honorary manager of the American League in the All-Star Game.
1957 - Stan Musial extends his consecutive games played streak to 823 setting a new National League mark.
1981 - Thirteen games are canceled in the major leagues due to the players’ strike.
1983 - The Detroit Tigers retire the numbers of Charlie Gehringer and Hank Greenberg in a ceremony at Tiger Stadium.
2007 - Justin Verlander throws the sixth no-hitter in Detroit Tigers history against the Brewers.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
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