<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Washington Nationals" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/7uXnENp2is9B_Fgls3GEwODykX0=/0x0:3600x2400/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73397552/2156697370.0.jpg">
Photo by Mitchell Layton/Getty Images
The rookie Hurston Waldrep will make his debut against DJ Herz for the Nationals in the final game of this four game series. You can read Garrett’s analysis of Waldrep as a prospect here, and more on the pitching matchup for this game in the game preview here. Meanwhile the lineups look very similar to yesterday, with Travis d’Arnaud the only new face for either team’s lineup, as he catches the debuting rookie. The game starts at 1:35 PM ET in Washington DC and can be viewed on MLB.tv or Bally Sports Southeast.
Join us and discuss the game in the comments below as the Braves hope for a good debut from one of their prime pitching prospects.
<img alt="Atlanta Braves v Washington Nationals" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/7uXnENp2is9B_Fgls3GEwODykX0=/0x0:3600x2400/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73397552/2156697370.0.jpg">
Photo by Mitchell Layton/Getty Images
The rookie Hurston Waldrep will make his debut against DJ Herz for the Nationals in the final game of this four game series. You can read Garrett’s analysis of Waldrep as a prospect here, and more on the pitching matchup for this game in the game preview here. Meanwhile the lineups look very similar to yesterday, with Travis d’Arnaud the only new face for either team’s lineup, as he catches the debuting rookie. The game starts at 1:35 PM ET in Washington DC and can be viewed on MLB.tv or Bally Sports Southeast.
Join us and discuss the game in the comments below as the Braves hope for a good debut from one of their prime pitching prospects.
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