<img alt="McKechnie Shakes Hands With The Babe" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/dOnExkqfPpl5Pi5h8eXDgqXwrk8=/0x0:3128x2085/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73383538/84184964.0.jpg">
Photo by Keystone/FPG/Getty Images
Braves Franchise History
1928: For the Boston Braves, Les Bell has a video game type of day slugging three homers and a triple. Still not enough Braves fall to Reds 20-12
1935: Babe Ruth hangs up the cleats and announces retirement from baseball after struggling with the Boston Braves hitting just .181. The legend would be elected to the inaugural Hall of Fame the next year.
MLB History
1943: The Boston Red Sox and the St. Louis Browns play four consecutive extra-inning games, working 45 innings in games between May 31 and today. Both leagues will set season records for extra-inning games, 91 in the American League, 80 in the National League.
1990: Randy Johnson throws the first no-hitter in Seattle Mariners history, a 2 - 0 win over the Detroit Tigers. Johnson was effectively wild with eight strikeouts and six walks.
1995: Red Sox infielder John Valentin becomes the first shortstop ever to have 15 total bases in a game going 5-for-5 at the plate with three home runs in a 6-5 victory over the Mariners.
2000: Fred McGriff joins an elite club becoming the 31st player to hit 400 home runs in a career. A two-run blast off of Glendon Rusch, wasn’t enough as the Mets beat Devil Rays 5-3.
2010: Armando Galarraga tosses a one-hitter in a 3-0 win against Cleveland. Galarraga had a perfect game with two outs in the ninth when Jason Donald was inexplicably called safe by Jim Joyce at first base.
2010 - Ken Griffey Jr. announces his retirement after 22 seasons. Griffey retires with 630 home runs and six seasons with 40 or more.
2017 - Clayton Kershaw strikes out Jonathan Villar for his 2,000th career strikeout. He is the third fastest to reach the mark trailing only Pedro Martinez and Randy Johnson.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
<img alt="McKechnie Shakes Hands With The Babe" src="https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/dOnExkqfPpl5Pi5h8eXDgqXwrk8=/0x0:3128x2085/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/73383538/84184964.0.jpg">
Photo by Keystone/FPG/Getty Images
Braves Franchise History
1928: For the Boston Braves, Les Bell has a video game type of day slugging three homers and a triple. Still not enough Braves fall to Reds 20-12
1935: Babe Ruth hangs up the cleats and announces retirement from baseball after struggling with the Boston Braves hitting just .181. The legend would be elected to the inaugural Hall of Fame the next year.
MLB History
1943: The Boston Red Sox and the St. Louis Browns play four consecutive extra-inning games, working 45 innings in games between May 31 and today. Both leagues will set season records for extra-inning games, 91 in the American League, 80 in the National League.
1990: Randy Johnson throws the first no-hitter in Seattle Mariners history, a 2 - 0 win over the Detroit Tigers. Johnson was effectively wild with eight strikeouts and six walks.
1995: Red Sox infielder John Valentin becomes the first shortstop ever to have 15 total bases in a game going 5-for-5 at the plate with three home runs in a 6-5 victory over the Mariners.
2000: Fred McGriff joins an elite club becoming the 31st player to hit 400 home runs in a career. A two-run blast off of Glendon Rusch, wasn’t enough as the Mets beat Devil Rays 5-3.
2010: Armando Galarraga tosses a one-hitter in a 3-0 win against Cleveland. Galarraga had a perfect game with two outs in the ninth when Jason Donald was inexplicably called safe by Jim Joyce at first base.
2010 - Ken Griffey Jr. announces his retirement after 22 seasons. Griffey retires with 630 home runs and six seasons with 40 or more.
2017 - Clayton Kershaw strikes out Jonathan Villar for his 2,000th career strikeout. He is the third fastest to reach the mark trailing only Pedro Martinez and Randy Johnson.
Information for this article was found via Baseball Reference, NationalPastime.com and Today in Baseball History.
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